I compiled the second beta from source and there are no templates in the template folder. I tried to copy the templates from 1.3 to the 2.0 folder (~/Documents/MuseScore2) but nothing appears in MuseScore when I try to create a new score. I can't even create a new score, actually.
Is there some change in the templates format? Where can I download the new templates, if they exist?
On Vista the path is: C: / Program Files / MuseScore2 / Templates (see attachment).
Check It out. Also check the correct path in Preferences. The Start Centre it work?
If you compile from source, the last step should be "make install", which creates a full installation. You then need to run MuseScore from that install folder, not from the build folder. Then MuseScore will be able to find its own templates and other files.
In reply to If you compile from source, by Marc Sabatella
Well, that is solved now, thanks. Is there a way to install it in user space? (without requiring root privileges)
In reply to Well, that is solved now, by eduardomezencio
Sure, see the compilation instructions in the Developer's Handbook for how to override the instakll locastion for your particular OS / build method.
In reply to If you compile from source, by Marc Sabatella
Well, I can't create a new score with a self-built MS on Linux as well.
Of course, I do not 'install' it: I compile and debug MS via Qt Creator and:
For all this reasons, the requirement to install it in order to have a basic function like creating a new score sounds rather extravagant (the bulk of the programme works fine without any installation).
Note: I pointed the MS preference for the template directory to the source template directory ("~/.../musescore/MuseScore/share/templates") but I still get an empty "Create New Score | Select Template File" dialogue.
In reply to Well, I can't create a new by Miwarre
I think you'd have to install at least once, to have all the supporting files in place, and install again if any of the supporting files changed.
But see also #44071: [Linux] New score creation wizard doesn't work if installation is incomplete
In reply to Well, I can't create a new by Miwarre
It's simple to configure Qt creator to use the installed version. Also simple to configure it not to do a full install but to instead simply copy the executable into place.
In reply to It's simple to configure Qt by Marc Sabatella
But this does not explain why the custom template directory in the preferences is not enough or why it is necessary to have templates to create a score from scratch.
In reply to But this does not explain why by Miwarre
Right, that part seems to be a bug. You need that Blank-00.mscz in the system templates folder, the one from preferences is not enough. In fact that doesn't seem to get used at all, so another bug.
I filed it: #44081: template files in the directory specified in the user's preference are ignored
In reply to Right, that part seems to be by Jojo-Schmitz
So, now the bug is fixed where user templates were ignored. But having them at the top of the list makes it even less obvious how to create a new score from scratch - you might have to scroll down a bit to get to the that blank template. Still I can we might want the user's templates prominent too. Maybe a tweak where we first show the "General" templates, then the user's, then the rest? I suspect it might require an ugly hack, but could be worth it. I guess the user templates actually showing at the top of the list because they are uncategorized, and if they were named along the same lnes as the pre-defined ones, they might show in those categories? I haven't messed around with this to see.
In reply to So, now the bug is fixed by Marc Sabatella
IHMO Blank should be first, then user templates, then system templates
In reply to IHMO Blank should be first, by Jojo-Schmitz
In case it wasn't clear, General includes "Blank", so what I proposed does put Blank first.
In reply to In case it wasn't clear, by Marc Sabatella
I'd rather have Blank separate and first without the rest of General.
In reply to I'd rather have Blank by Jojo-Schmitz
I guess my concern there is wasted space - it means one more row in the list, so that much more to have to scroll through. "The rest of general" is just the two Treble & Bass templates; they take up no more room if included in the row with Blank, but would take a whole to themselves if we separated them. Is there really an advantage here?
In reply to I guess my concern there is by Marc Sabatella
Hmm, well, I didn't like the idea of having to use a template for creating a score from scratch, would prefer the old method, a dialog before, 'new from scratch or template', then the templates selection.
But if we'd need to stick with these templates, yes, I agree it doesn't make too much sense to 'waste' a row
In reply to Hmm, well, I didn't like the by Jojo-Schmitz
Since chosing 'blank' have the same effect thad choosing 'from scratch' had, I think the way we are now is better because it's a single step both for building from scratch and for using a template.
I think a good thing would be to have in the first row the blank template and then some 'favorite' templates that can either be based on what is used the most by that user or by a selection of favorites by the user himself.
Some users will always be making choir scores, some will always do piano, and so on.. then even if those users create some special templates for different situations, they will always have those they use the most easy to select.
In reply to Since chosing 'blank' have by eduardomezencio
I agree that having Blank on the tempalte sreen is better *in principle*, as it means you are not forced to decide between starting from scratch versus using a template before you even know what templates are available (hmm, when I put it that way, it reallys seems a no-brainer :-). But I *do* share the concern that it is less obvious how to create a score from scratch. I wouldn't mind the Blank template somehow standing out as well - bigger, different icon, labeled "Create From Scratch", something like that.
In reply to I agree that having Blank on by Marc Sabatella
I like the idea of changing 'blank' to 'create from scratch' or just 'from scratch'. Maybe to make it stand a little from the rest, we could just make the font and background different. Please, take a look at this draft I made to illustrate.
In reply to I like the idea of changing by eduardomezencio
To me, blank suggests an empty score, so I would agree on changing it.
I'm not totally sure, but how about 'Custom'?