Community Panel in MuseScore 2

• Mar 28, 2015 - 11:00

Hi music lovers,

I have been using MuseScore 1.x for a certain time, and there is a community panel, where one can log in and see his own scores and also search the others scores. I find it very useful, as I don't need to open the website in browser, but just review and download scores within the software.

And as I clicked on a score from someone, it said my version is too old, so I upgraded to the 2 version. However I cannot find this community panel any more. I searched for different menus, but still I cannot find this panel.

I am not sure if I only missed this panel in the 2 version, or this panel is not built in any more (and I also don't know if this should be a feature request).

Please give me some information and hint about this! Thank you in advanced!


I also really liked that handy little panel... God how I miss it in MuseScore 2... Nice to know I'm not the only one :D. I hope that MuseScore developers see this!

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