Exporting pdf as tabloid

• Jun 9, 2015 - 23:21

When I export my score as a pdf in Tabloid dimensions all I get is a blank square box. Any advice?


The standard advice when looking for help: please post the score you are having problems with and precise step by step instructions to reproduce the problem. Also say what version of MsueScore and what OS you are using. Otherwise, we can only guess.

OS X Yosemite - Version: 10.10.2

Musescore 1.2 - Revision: 5470

In this score I have gone to Page Settings and reformatted as Tabloid to allow for more music on one page that is easier to see for the pianist and less page turns.

When I click 'Save As' and try to save it as a PDF document, it does save a pdf document, but when I open the pdf, there is a blank white square box and nothing more. No notes...nothing.
I've included the pdf and score so you know what it looks like.

When saving it as a pdf in 8.5/11, I have had no issues ever.

Attachment Size
1.OneFamilyCC.mscz 17.84 KB
1.pdf 1.47 MB

In reply to by LucasTensen

MuseScore 1.2?! That's way out of date—it's been replaced successively by 1.3, 2.0, and 2.0.1, each of which fixed bugs from previous versions. Download the latest version of MuseScore and try again—I was able to export a PDF from your file with no problem.

EDIT: By the way, I said "export" instead of "save" because since MuseScore 2.0, you create PDFs via File -> Export… instead of File -> Save As… . Thought you might like to know. ;-)

2nd EDIT: It should be noted when opening in MuseScore 2 a score created with an earlier version of the software, certain elements that were manually adjusted may need repositioning. In particular I notice a mezzoforte and a crescendo on the second page that look like they're a little off.

Attachment Size
1.OneFamilyCC-1.pdf 1.4 MB

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