Playback Issue

• Jun 15, 2015 - 03:55

I'm using MuseScore2 on Windows 7, and I switched my instrument on the file to harp, transferring notes over before taking off the piano, and when I played back the first line (when there was no more written past that), I had no issues (Note: I had one rolled eighth-note chord (Second octave B) followed by a few more eigth-note octaves (second octave C) already written). Playback was fine, and I had no trouble at all. When I went onto the second line, which started with a rolled chord, and the same following top note (second octave F) in the octaves following, then going down to second octave E. When the chord in the measure was reached in the playback, a distortion occurred, with the slowing of tempo and buzzy, echoy sounds that will continue to occur no matter where I start playback again- IF there is still sound playing when I start playback again. The more I write, or playback, the more areas the distortion seems to be able to start at. It can be the line after, or the measure before the second line.
Also, I would have attached the file for testing, however, I could not figure out the process of doing so.


To attach a file, look right below where you type your post, and click "File attachments".

Chances are the problem will turn out to just be temporary glitch that goes away on restart of MuseScore or reboot of your computer, but definitely post your file to be sure. Also say if you have changed from the default soundfont to something else, or changes your options in Edit / Preferences / I/O, or anything else you can think that might be relevant.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The only thing that comes to mind was making two parts in the score, a piano and harp, and transferring the notes from the piano to the harp part, then deleting the piano part fully (including the instrument section in the toolbar). It seemed to mess up after that step of mine. But past that, I have no idea.
I reproduced the entire thing on another file, and the same thing happened, so that's about all I can say.
I hope that helps!

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