Clef Size Issue

• Feb 22, 2011 - 23:10

So I have just finished a piece that I wrote and I've noticed halway through the piece the clef size shrinks for one line, but then on the following line of music it returns to normal size. Also prior to this one section the clef size is normal. I've tried reinserting the clef, and changing the clef, but for this one line of music it stays small and I'm quite confused!
If someone could help me that would be great!!!

I have attached an image of the clef issue so people can visually see.

Attachment Size
wrong_clef_sizes.JPG 11.49 KB


In reply to by David Bolton

Ooops, sorry this is my first time using the forums so I didn't read through the proper protocol.
Um... I am using the lastest patch at Musescore 1.0, I'm running Windows XP, as to how this happened... I have no clue I just noticed it after I completely finished the score. The problem is specifically at measure 52 and for that entire line, but you will notice that only at this line are the clefs tiny.
And I have now attached the Musescore file.

Moderator: attachment removed by request of the author

In reply to by Externium

I'm not sure what caused it either. If you discover the steps to reproduce the problem please share.

I was able to remove the problem by inserting a new measure copying the contents over, and then removing the problem measure.

Moderator: attachment removed by request of the author

In reply to by David Bolton

On two occasions I've added clefs (one was mid-measure; can't remember about the other) and then been unable to delete them except using this same method - inserting a new measure, copying the contents, and then deleting the old measure. But I haven't figured out how to reproduce that either.

Well I guess all I really want removed are the files on here relating to my music. I understand the info is important however I would prefer my music not to be able to be downloaded by just anyone who chooses to do so.

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