Measure numbers & changing tempo

• Dec 8, 2010 - 23:53

Is there a way to add measure numbers for each measure? And to add what my band teacher calls "rehearsal numbers", where the measure number is bold with a box around it?

Also, is it possible to change the tempo of a song in the middle of a piece? For example, my song jumps from 84 to 184 after a fermata. How can I do this?


Add measure number to each measure : see Style -> Edit global style -> Numbers
Add rehearsal mark : Select a notehead and press Ctrl + M (or Cmd+M on Mac) or visit Create -> Text -> Rehearsal mark
Change tempo : See Tempo

In reply to by therake2763

If you really want to, you could add a tempo change (something really slow) for the fermata, and then hide the text if you don't want it there.

Actually, I notice that if you right-click and select Articulation Properties, there's a space for "MIDI Action", but there doesn't seem to be anything explaining what you do there...

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