numbers question

• Jun 13, 2011 - 08:00

Hi all
I'm only a few hours new to MuseScore and have crated my first page of sheet music.
I'm very impressed with this program.
However, a strange thing has occurred.
At the beginning of each system, under the stave occurs the number 8.
The bar numbers occur correctly above the stave.
What is it and how can I get rid of it?


It's possible that you choosed an instrument scored with a G Clef ottava bassa. It's a G clef with an 8 at the bottom to indicate that all notes are one octave lower.

In reply to by Gary-S

They are the same instrument; both should technically that staff because they sound an octave lower than written. But you're welcome to change the clef if you'd rather not see the "8". You could just set transposition manually to play back an octave lower via Staff Properties.

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