PC crashes when starting musescore 2.0.2

• Nov 15, 2015 - 22:35

I looked for similar problem and I only founded my case in a very old topic.

I am on windows 8 and the problem is very simple when i try to start musescore I wait a few second and the whole PC freeze and I have to start it again.

Is there any solution to this problem? If there is, please explain to my in a very simple way. I am not very good with computer and English is not my first language.
Thanks for any form of help!


Please go see the Handbook using the link in the menu at right, then search for "Revert to factory settings". Start by following those instructions. If that does not help, try the same instructions but using "-w" or "-s" instead of "-F".

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Nothing worked, if it is a normal w and a normal s than im stuck

"C:\Program Files (x86)\MuseScore 2\bin\MuseScore.exe" -F

"C:\Program Files (x86)\MuseScore 2\bin\MuseScore.exe" -w

"C:\Program Files (x86)\MuseScore 2\bin\MuseScore.exe" -s

They all made my PC crash... any other ideas?

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Ok I oppenned your package, click on musescore, then bin, then musescore and it says that it is impossible to start the program because libfreetype-6.dll is missing from the computer. I don't know what that mean, but at least we got something now. it also says that i should reinstal the progam... which i did before seeking for help.

In reply to by Ludovi1

I think I understand what happens. You probably extracted directly the musescore icon since its folder "bin" by drag and drop on the desktop, I guess? Do not do this, because effectively this " libfreetype.6dll" message appears.
The icon application must remains in the "bin" folder. You have simply to create a shortcut so: Right-click on the icon in the "bin" folder -> to send (create shortcut) etc.

In reply to by Ludovi1

Well, FWIW, MuseScore 2.0 works extremely well for hundreds of thousands (? I haven't seen the latest download stats) of people, so it really is as "stable" as any nother program. Apparently, though, there is some sort of incompatibility with some piece of hardware or device driver or DLL etc on your particular system that is causing a problem. We'd love to figure out what the problem is so we can either fix it is possible or figure out a workaround or even just add the issue to the list of known incompatibilities (https://musescore.org/en/handbook/known-incompatibilities-0 - did you check this page?), but unfortuantely, since no one else is seeing this problem, there won;t be anything we can do without your help. Not sure what the next step could be though. These sort of extremely rare / impossible for others to reproduce problems are very difficult to debug, as you might imagine.

In reply to by Thomas

Thank you Thomas,

I understand that from now on I will use the export function for PDf files, but was the one I sent
readable? Also, as mentionned, the mscore and mscore1 are par of the musescore 1.3. Should they be deleted? Is this what is causing the problem?


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