Cannot convert to MusicXML

• Jan 19, 2016 - 12:27

I am running musescore 1.3 on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS, and I am having problems converting to musicxml format. In a previous install of ubuntu I have successfully converted the musescore file to lilypond format. In my current version, this is no longer supported, so I am first converting to musicxml format, and then to lilypond.

I used file>save as to export it to musicxml format. Now when I use frescobaldi to import the musicxml file or musicxml2ly it converts it incorrectly. Chords, rhythms etc are completely changed. Please let me know how to convert it properly.

Alternatively, I used typed the song into musescore so that I could easy transpose one of my singing pieces, which I have now done. I'd happily print the pdf created by musescore, except the automatic placement of the rests, accents, etc in the different voices makes it difficult to read. Having spent some time entering in the notes, I have no interest in manually placing 5 pages worth of rests. Is there a quick and easy way to make it readable?

Thank you for your help.

Attachment Size
So In Love Gb.mscz 12.13 KB
So In Love Gb.xml 436.25 KB
So In Love 16.75 KB


Which version of MuseScore, and what score, can you attach it here?
Or is it simply that you are not aware that between 1.x and 2.0 the File/Save/XML has been moved to File/Export/XML ?

In reply to by Pennie Hume

You could try to open it with MuseScore 2.0 and export to MusicXML from there.
If it still doesn't work, I would suggest to report a bug to musicxml2ly or frescobaldi if they don't rely on musicxml2ly too. And if it still doesn't work, it should take less than 10 minutes to make the score looks reasonably well in MuseScore 2.

In reply to by Pennie Hume

Note that repositioning rests was much more necessary in 1.3 than in 2.0. It's still needed "sometimes" in 2.0, but norwhere near as often. That said, your particular score here definitely still needs a fair amount of that kind of adjustment. No more than 10 minutes or worth though I'd wager, especially once you get the hang of the various various of doing multiple selections. For example, select a range of measures via click the first, shift click the last, then right click a rest, Select / All Similar Elements in Range Selection. Then use Inspector to adjust the rests within that range. For instance, if you do this to the piano treble staff for measures 13-19, and apply a 3sp offset, that pretty much takes care of all those rests at once, in a matter of seconds. A few other similar tweaks and you should be good to go in less time than it will probably take to sort out the issue with the MusicXML export in 1.3 (which is also much improved in 2.0) or with the MusicXML to LilyPond converter.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you for your help everyone. The version of musescore in the ubuntu repositories is 1.3, but updating to 2.0 gives a much more attractive rendering. Using the multiple selections vertical offsets was also much easier than dragging the rests about individually. My music now looks beautiful.

I have similar issues importing MusicXML into Lilypond. In my case it's dynamic hairpins in correlation with multiple voice staves. I filed a bug report in Lilypond but it never got processed.

As a workaround put all voices in separate staves. It is quite easy to put them back into one stave in Lilypond.

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