D.S. al Coda not working on playback

• Apr 28, 2016 - 12:36


Im having trouble getting repeats and jumps to work correctly. Bar repeats seem to work fine on playback but D.S. al Coda , Segno and coda don't seem to work. Im very new to notating music so it might be me, but I was hoping musescore would demonstrate to me on playback how these commands work so any help as to if its me or its a bug would be a great help. Ive attached the file so you can have a look. Thanks

Attachment Size
Waiting game.mscz 21.11 KB


In reply to by Tim Coulton

Well, it's not supposed to necessary. Therre was a bug in an earlier version of MsueScore where the repeats button could occasionally get reversed. This was fixed, either for 2.0.3 or earlier (2.0.2 or even 2.0.1). Perhaps you are still using that older version, or had used it before and the preferences got saved that way? Anyhow, assuming it continues to work properly, I wouldn't worry about this unless you can reproduce that behavior in the current version (2.0.3).

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