More aggressive fingering placement

• Jan 17, 2012 - 22:55

When I attempt to drop a fingering palette entry on a note, I often miss the note. It would be nice if, by default, the fingering went to the nearest note if I was within some 'snap' distance. This might be hard to determine but it would sure save time if the fingering went SOMEWHERE instead of just disappearing. If it winds up on the wrong note, I can always undo and try again.


In reply to by chen lung

That is an interesting thread, thanks. I'm not quite sure which of its points you're flagging, however. I certainly agree with the main theme there, viz. that we want excellent automatic placement. (Though in today's reality, I do spend 75% of my time tweaking the automatic placement of certain items, such as items from fingering and lines palettes. It seems likely that some aspects of use will always thwart automatic rules, because although there are rules for many aspects of scoring, there are also many areas with flexibility left to engraver.)

My request was a bit different, however, and dealt purely with the user interface rather than the appearance of the result. I was saying "When I try to place something but miss the target, then the system should still often be able to guess what I meant" -- an example of DWIM (do what I mean) interface design. I didn't see that point made here, though perhaps I missed it somehow.

(I am certain that few of my suggestions will be novel to the longer-term participants here. But it seems better to make comments that might be redundant than to lurk on the sidelines.)

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