Crescendo not working in playback

• Jun 26, 2016 - 08:10

I've created this piano piece and placed a crescendo over a bar from piano to forte. However, instead of gradually increasing, it jumps straight to forte as soon as it hits the crescendo in playback. I tried spreading it over multiple bars but it has the same result. Is there any way of fixing this? I have Musescore 2.


My guess si that you added the crescendo incorrectly, placing it under a specific note and then stretching it visually (eg, with the mouse) to *look* like it is covering the whole bar when than placing it under the whole bar in the first palce, or extending it with Shift+right asd described in the Handbook. But indeed, seeing the actual score would help.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I haven't - I highlight the bar and then double-click the crescendo under Lines on the Palettes, and it usually works. I got it to work, though. I fixed it by just playing around with it, and it works when I put a dynamic marking directly before the crescendo but doesn't just use the dynamic marking that I set at the start of the piece - strange, because one of the other crescendos works fine without having to put an extra dynamic marking directly in front of the crescendo.

In reply to by Vanilla Superwine

MuseScore will always use whatever the current dynamic level is to start the crescendo, whether that was set at the beginning of the score, just before the crescendo, or somewhere in between. Same as a human performer would. You also need to tell MuseScore the dynamic level you want you end at, using a dynamic marking somewhere after the crescendo. A human performer might make a wild guess, but MuseScote won't.

If you encounter further problems, again, if you attach there score we can tell you exactly what is going on. Otherwise we can just guess based on the most common mistakes people make.

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