Numbered sets/preludes

• Jun 28, 2016 - 11:50

Is there a more elegant way to number sets of music? I am trying to write a set of little preludes, and was wondering how I could number them. You see sets, like Chopin's works, with the numbers prior to the first measure of each of the pieces (whether Mazurkas, Preludes, Nocturnes, etc.). I have for a while just been inserting a horizontal frame and just adding a text box, but it's ugly and difficult to get accurately. Is there a way I can do this more elegantly in MuseScore?


You could add the numbers to rehearsal marks. Then select all similar elements and change their horizontal and vertical offsets in Inspector until you get them sitting where you want. Note that a rehearsal mark added to the first measure gets positioned differently to the others so you would have to adjust it separately.

What's ugly about it? You can customzie the font. And what's difficult about it? Isn't as a simple as inserting a frame and then inserting text? If your "frame text" style is set the way you like, it should work beautifully and simply. Maybe post a score showing what you've tried thus far, and an image showing what you'd like it to look like instead...

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