How Much Time I've Been On MuseScore

• Jun 17, 2016 - 17:58

My profile says I've been a member for 1 yr 23 w. But I quit MuseScore when I didn't understand it. But now I've come back, and I want to ask a question for admins of this website. Can you change my time I've been on here to 7 days, because that's how long I've been on here since I came back.


Most forum software does not permit even admin personnel to modify the basic information in users' profiles, and there are good reasons for this. The most an admin can usually do is delete an account, and that is rarely done except at the user's request. provides users with two separate profiles: A Music Profile and a Contributor Profile. Your Contributor Profile shows that you have been active for two weeks and five days (as of today), but your Music Profile does indeed show you have been a member for 1 year and 26 weeks, and it lists three scores. I don't see this as a particular problem, but if you do, you may be able to resolve this issue by simply creating a new user name and account, and abandoning the old one. (I am presuming here that allows this; Lasconic or one of the other administrators will correct me if I am wrong.) If you want those three scores to show on the new profile, you'd just have to upload them again (taking care to upload them to the new account).

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