Fretboard Diagrams in horizontal positon

• Oct 9, 2016 - 11:07

It would be nice if I can place fretboard diagrams horizontally as well for the next version!


Is this something that is actually found in published music? Can you show examples? If not - if this is for your own experimental notation only - then I would say it would be better to create diagrams in MuseScore, use the image capture tool to create a graphic from it, then rotate the graphic in an image editor and import the result back into MuseScore.

even though Time passed by, I'm still wishing if this feature will be added.
I used to be a Sibelius user, and it has this "Chord Diagram Vertical/Horizontal Positions" option.
I attached the screen shot. (Sibelius 7)

Attachment Size
dia.jpg 687.65 KB

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