playback does not stop at "Fine"

• Apr 30, 2013 - 10:39

I put a " Da Capo al Fine" at the end of my music piece; and "Fine" where the piece is supposed to end.
Unfortunately, playback continues after that. How can I stop that?
I have Musescore 1.3


I assume you mean, it first place through to the end of the piece, then jump back to the beginning, but doesn't stop at the Fine the second time through? Did you place the Fine as ordinary staff or did you use the official Fine element from the Repeats palette?

Assuming you used the repeats palette, then posting the score would help others see what might have gone wrong. Could be something else messed up with other repeats, for instance. A closing repeat without a matching open repeat can mess up MuseScore's ability to follow a score. Or non-standard usages, like nesting repeats, etc.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I have taken to setting out da capo sections, mainly because it saves people who play the music an awkward backward page turn (for pianists often involving multiple pages--it gets worse if there is a coda after "da capo": you flip back to the beginning, maybe three pages, then forward again across the trio to find the exact measure where the coda begins...). Da capo is labor saving as long as you have to hand write the notes or hand engrave for print. With a computer we have the copy/paste function and one can use it to set out da capo sections very quickly. All that's left is to remove the repeat signs. So if you use Musescore it is worth the extra effort and makes life easier for musicians.

In reply to by azumbrunn

Thanks, yes, I also concluded that I could better copy and paste repeating parts.
btw, can I copy and paste 2 staffs combined?

( I tried to answer earlier, but Musescore did not recognize my password or emailaddress; I could not even change my password. How is that possible? This time I found a way around by clicking the link in the email I got from musescore about azumbrunn's answer.)

In reply to by havoc

There is - this site, where you download the software from and where the forums are - and there is, a sister site that is focused on score sharing. Accounts on one site do not necessarily carry over to the other, although I gather it is possible to make that work.

Regarding the topic at hand, I agree that DC's and the like are often more of a convenience for the arranger - saving the trouble of writing sections out again - and that this really doesn't apply whenusing software as opposed to pencil & paper. Still, it can also help keep a chart to one page instead of two (very occassional of practical value), or two instead of three (more often valueable), etc. Which is to say, the DC might *prevent* a page turn from being required. As a composer who has his music essentially sight read on gigs all the time, I am very focused n making things as clear and easy for the performer as possible. So any tradeoffs I make are always with this in mind.

I have been having this same problem. I think that in the next updated version of MuseScore (MuseScore 1.4), the composer should be able to highlight the note that he wants the music to stop at, and then drag the FINE from the pallet to the note. This fix would fix the problem.

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