Håndbog til MuseScore 3
Denne håndbog gælder for MuseScore version 3.0 og højere. Den vedligeholdes af MuseScore's brugerfællesskab. Se her hvordan du kan bidrage.
Hvis du ikke er startet på at bruge version 3.x, er Håndbog til version 2.x stadig tilgængelig.
MuseScore version 3.0
Den nye version blev frigivet d. 24. december 2018.
Programmet er fuldt oversat, og kan demed installeres på dansk. Det anbefales dog, at man checker om der er opdateringer tilgængelige under "Resscourcehåndtering".
I forbindelse med overgangen til version 3, er der foretaget en samlet revision af oversættelsen, som blev afsluttet og frigivet med version 3.3. Håndbogen er baseret på denne version, så nogle betegnelser kan afvige, hvis man bruger tidligere versioner.
Nye funktioner - Overblik
MuseScore 3 indeholder en række nye og forbedrede funktioner. Klik på dette link for at få et hurtigt overblik.
Kom igang
Dette kapitel hjælper dig med at installere MuseScore og starte programmet første gang. Det introducerer også de forskellige muligheder til at lære programmet, og til at hente hjælp.
The previous →"Getting started" chapter guided you through the installation process. The "Basics" chapter gives an overview of MuseScore and describes the general methods for interacting with the score.
- Opret et nyt nodeark
- Nodeindtastning
- C partitur
- Kopier og indsæt
- Redigering
- Inspektør
- Takter
- Palettes
- Workspaces
- Open/Save/Export/Print
- Selection modes
- Share scores online
- Undo and redo
- Viewing and navigation
- Voices
In the previous →"Basics" chapter you learned how to enter notes and interact with the palettes. The "Notation" chapter describes the different types of notation in more detail, including more advanced music notation.
- Note input (→Basics)
- Palettes (→Basics)
- Workspaces (→Basics)
- Accidentals
- Arpeggios and glissandi
- Articulations and ornaments
- Barlines
- Beams
- Bends
- Brackets
- Breaths and pauses
- Clefs
- Drum notation
- Grace notes
- Hairpins
- Key signatures
- Lines
- Measure rests
- Octave lines
- Repeats and jumps
- Slurs
- Tablature
- Ties
- Time signatures
- Transposition
- Tremolo
- Tuplets
- Voltas (1st and 2nd time endings)
See also →Advanced topics.
Sound and playback
MuseScore has "Sound and playback" capabilities built-in. This chapter covers the playback controls and ways to extend the instrument sounds.
- Mid-staff instrument changes
- Mixer
- Piano Roll Editor NEW
- Play mode
- Soundfonts and SFZ files
- Swing
- Synthesizer
- Tempo
- Dynamics
- Capo playback NEW
Many score elements in MuseScore are based on text, either alone (e.g., staff text, dynamics, tempo, fingering, lyrics, etc.) or in combination with lines (e.g., voltas, octave lines, guitar barre lines, etc.).
This chapter covers some of the different classes of text MuseScore supports, and formatting options.
- Text basics
- Text editing
- Text styles and properties
- Staff and system text
- Chord symbols
- Fingering
- Lyrics
- Rehearsal marks
Other types of text are covered in other chapters:
- Tempo (→Sound and playback)
- Dynamics —p, mf, etc. (→Sound and playback)
- Swing (→Sound and playback)
- Mid-staff instrument changes (→Sound and playback)
- Repeats and jumps —DC, Fine, Coda, etc. (→Notation)
- Figured bass (→Advanced topics)
- Frame text —in vertical, horizontal or text frames (→Formatting)
- Headers and footers —different from standard text objects (→Formatting)
- Lines (→Notation)
- Layout and formatting (overview)
- Page settings
- Breaks and spacers
- Frames
- Images
- Image capture
- Align elements
Advanced topics
- Accessibility
- Albums
- Automatic placement
- Cross-staff notation
- Custom palettes (→Basics)
- Early music features
- Figured bass
- File formats
- Fretboard diagrams
- Master palette
- MIDI import
- Note input modes
- Noteheads
- Parts
- Plugins
- Preferences
- Recovered files
- Score properties
- Score comparison NEW
- Staff / Part properties
- Staff Type Change
- Timeline NEW
- Tools
This chapter describes how to find help using MuseScore: the best places to look, the best way to ask a question on the forums, and tips for reporting a bug.