
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Issue Playback tempo becomes incorrect if editing score in continuous view aeki 12 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic note entry bill@tablemoun… 1 vor 5 Jahren
Issue In plugin run.qml, QProcess "not a type" or "not installed". Sonny-Kl 7 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Plugins cannot read `scores` array (not available) and `` always delivers "Score" OEST 13 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic ausgewählten Patch speichern Carl Magnus Ro… 1 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Adding articulation causes full relayout mike320 7 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Navigator not memorizing multiple score positions tktk 20 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Impossible to create a double/dotted/dashed/final barline at the right end of a mutli-measure rest bar cpacaud 8 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Crash when copying/pasting a clef into an another clef tktk 13 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Layout shift in measure at start of system Marc Sabatella 8 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Clef changes at repeats Soolip 13 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Playback speed is incorrect when selecting a continuous view for a part yamada_y 10 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Multi-measure rests creates unexpected key signatures freiversuch 15 vor 5 Jahren
Issue musicxml export generates wrong measure length manfrhahn 20 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Musicxml export - top texts don't export hhpmusic 18 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Glissando with anchor change via Shift+Down lost on save/reload Angel.E 11 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Bad layout of pages >1 after edit Marc Sabatella 7 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Hairpin should not extend across barline when it contains its own dynamic marking cadiz1 10 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Side panels not dockable after being undocked and closed once Fredrik Häthén 18 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Fermatas: In imported 2.x files, the fermata in voice 2 is reset to voice 1 geetar 9 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Crash when modifying appoggiatura from imported MusicXml file. mzffr 10 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Notes on staff with no/narrow key signature can overlap key signature on other staves Marc Sabatella 4 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Min distance setting not saved for text lines. Xianyue賢越 14 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Automatic placement of single rests in multiple voice areas bothorsen 12 vor 5 Jahren
Issue MuseScore 3.1 Note Input - Induced Crash osubuki02 12 vor 5 Jahren