
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Issue HowTos for 1.x _and_ 2.0 Jojo-Schmitz 4 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Resource Manager is disabled if no score is open Jojo-Schmitz 2 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic How to delete rest & shift score left makcurtis 3 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Program crashed when attempting to add ties 6 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Musescore keeps freezing on startup tl.garcia 4 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Mission Impossible? Trying to install MuseScore 3.2 vic joseph 3 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Inconsistent measure numbers in score and parts Rudi cj7tb 1 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic how do you add an instrument Experoman 1 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Wrong dynamic from the interaction of unrelated staves or instruments fmiyara 4 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic How To Put Image Into A Text Frame? zanshin777 4 vor 5 Jahren
Issue musescore not switching to darkmode notation_perdition 6 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic No taskbar icon jcorelis 4 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic rests rustyboy14 4 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic I lost the score I uploaded to Musescore, now I can't upload audio tatsletni 4 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic How long until new topics are actually posted. DLLarson 6 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Make Voice 1 and 2 colors easier to distinguish geetar 10 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Instruments.xml editor? Miwarre 2 vor 5 Jahren
Issue When generating MIDI from Parts, only the first part contains midi, other parts are empty. drowo 11 vor 5 Jahren
Issue The "Breaks & Spacers" palette has lost its colors cadiz1 7 vor 5 Jahren
Issue [Regression] Context menu ALWAYS broken (under Windows?) cadiz1 24 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic How to differentiate a 100 & 200 tempo song? Haoto 2 13 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Background changed default from white to black geetar 6 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Note beams are poorly rendered geetar 4 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Right click a text enters edit mode Howard-C 17 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic How do I offset a horizontal beam in musescore? thewelshdragon 4 vor 5 Jahren