
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Forum topic Back-to-back repeats jandtgeen1 7 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Part and score is not even per page WhyNotLiam 2 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Musescore 3 version ( abort on mac osx 10.14.3 (mojave) mrjvdv 1 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Latest version ( crashes on Mac 10.14 jmbrnrd 1 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic I don't see any red lines online [DELETED] 1831606 4 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Workaround Shoichi 2 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Port Harmony Rules plugin to MuseScore 3 5 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Online playback not working properly Tom Potten 1 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Bug with time signature Emma Claéson C… 2 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Mobile app & custom soundfont EnricoM 1 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Page numbers Hepkat 5 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic How do I do this? Mahxx 5 vor 5 Jahren
Issue My note entry buttons and playback controls are so small I can't read them. bhazard 1 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic One instrument ignoring all dynamic markings Parker Klinck 4 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Updates henry coppens 2 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Musescore.exe EricBK 10 vor 5 Jahren
Issue volta issue, 2nd volta shows incomplete Julián Felipe … 3 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic New update for musescore 3, notified on Feb 28th, causes the original musescore 3 to crash repeatedly. AFN 8 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Clef change for whole part Demious Music 6 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic The "Save As" option has dropped all its options and now only has two things in it, both MuseScore mscz files. Beths 3 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Some proposed ideas about text editing improvements ylink 15 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Individual parts play with all parts CMHdeV 4 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic musescore Crashed - macOS 10.14.3 lola15 1 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Color Coding music and placing note names on the note heads in version 3 kajigayam504 1 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Very difficult to select text frame with a full line of text Marc Sabatella 7 vor 5 Jahren