Forum topic |
Musescore Noten färben |
sithoba |
vor 5 Monaten |
Forum topic |
Multi measure rests not working |
wewillrocku |
vor 5 Monaten |
Forum topic |
Musescore composing on handheld platforms? (Android, iPhone, etc) |
shoes6 |
vor 5 Monaten |
Forum topic |
Adding a Quadruple Marching Cymbal upgrade for the Marching Cymbal Instrument. |
s1114182721 |
vor 5 Monaten |
Issue |
Hiding voice/instrument visibility forces it to mute |
nick.hale |
vor 5 Monaten |
Forum topic |
Segno not scaling... |
trapdoor22 |
vor 5 Monaten |
Forum topic |
How to convert pdf file to Musescore file? |
pianoplayground |
vor 5 Monaten |
Forum topic |
Tuplet 7 in the time of 5 |
rpatters1 |
vor 5 Monaten |
Forum topic |
Short system |
smallpiper1 |
vor 5 Monaten |
Forum topic |
Language Bug (4.4.1 I think) |
oliverbrelsfo |
vor 5 Monaten |
Forum topic |
Trying to add "Noto Music" font to my score |
Thedoczek |
vor 5 Monaten |
Forum topic |
a stem added to a whole note |
amoneti |
vor 5 Monaten |
Forum topic |
add 64th note |
emeno184 |
vor 5 Monaten |
Forum topic |
how to notate dotted half note in a 3/4 time signature |
jrshalf |
vor 5 Monaten |
Forum topic |
Dark Mode |
ericmeng87 |
vor 5 Monaten |
Forum topic |
Add more bars but keep page layout the same |
hellomu |
vor 5 Monaten |
Forum topic |
Liedtext 4.3: Abstände zwischen Worten |
Shanty-Kalle |
vor 5 Monaten |
Forum topic |
Odd bug whenever I open a score. |
Euna_Strain |
vor 5 Monaten |
Forum topic |
I can not restore PRO subscripton |
zsupos |
vor 5 Monaten |
Forum topic |
Help us improve the sounds in MuseScore |
s.chriscollins |
vor 5 Monaten |
Forum topic |
Pipe organ pedal part uses wrong clef |
drewesisaac |
vor 5 Monaten |
Forum topic |
Guitar barre |
dougielockhar |
vor 5 Monaten |
Forum topic |
Evan's Cadences |
vor 5 Monaten |
Forum topic |
Unable to download in any format |
Julie Hill |
vor 5 Monaten |
Forum topic |
MuseScore Flatpak 4.4.1 crashing to desktop |
clorophilla |
vor 5 Monaten |