
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Issue Not Updated for MuseScore 2.0 Logically Anime 5 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Won't repeat clh8285 1 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Seit dem letzten Update funktionieren Wiederholungen (Doppeltaktstrich-Doppelpunkt) nicht mehr. Manfu 2 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Download of the installer is requering a password thenewson1 2 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Inserting double bar and repeat signs barbsalisbury 2 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Possible minor bug in playback loop function Timborino 1 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Turn off all the automatic playback for all of the chord symbols in ver. 3.5 alexjnoriega 2 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Does the new version have a 'valid digital signature' ? gldodge 1 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Repeats not honored in 3.5 dwtreloar 9 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic installation of latest version cflyte 1 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Crashes after update due to qmlcache orivej 7 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Halve/double time values, or better [DELETED] 1831606 19 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic change length of first measure hill0093 5 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic [UX/UI] Suggestion for Palettes - Rename "More" button to "Less" when opened rowild 7 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Changing an existing palette item remmet 2 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Playback during continuous view when window isn't fullscreen has cutoff jrubz 2 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Remove selected range sometimes delete invisible parts of bars not selected OneArchetype 2 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Accents way too aggressive in new update? DanmakCSSB 20 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Tuplets with more than 9 notes bill2reg 11 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Update Tab Missing from File > Preferences Eldram 4 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic HOW DO I UNINSTALL MUSESCORE 3.5 and get back to a version that works DGT 2 vor 3 Jahren
Issue On occasion, in continuous view, the music will slide over 10 barlines and I can't see what's being played. taharding 2 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Roman Numeral Analysis Issue dgilanyi 6 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Website problem? donweiss 5 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic I feel processing speed is very slooow than before. finish2167951 1 vor 3 Jahren