Small Bar chords notation

• Jun 25, 2020 - 02:05

Could someone help me how to make half bar chords notation (the C crossed one).
Also, how can I get this pallete? Is it possible?

Attachment Size
Barre_1.png 83.18 KB
barré_2.jpg 49.62 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

It's a .mpal file, you can't open it like any other. So:
1. Open MuseScore
2. Right-click the name of a palette (e.g. Beam Properties, or other, you choice), or single click on the three small dots in front of it.
3. Click "Load palette"
4. Select and Open this .mpal file
It's done, this palette is ready to use, just like any other palette


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