
• Jun 26, 2020 - 01:30

When I add voltas to a section that has immediate dynamics, like fp, sfp, the notes after the dynamic go silent. Fix immediately. I am confused. Details in the pdf below.

Attachment Size
Sonata_No._2.pdf 34.51 KB


A PDF does not show details - it is just a picture of a score. Please post the actual score (.MSCZ or .MSCX file) and also say what verision of MS you are using, what operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux) and (if you can) the exact steps taken to cause the problem.

In reply to by underquark

Sorry. I could have posted the .mscz file but it is a bigger file so I just showed it in pdf. The section after the fp in the upper staff is silent because it actually changes the velocity of the original dynamic or velocity. That happens when I put a volta in the section at the repeat. It is really frustrating for the composer, arranger, or listener. Needs to be fixed immediately. Is that a little bit more elaborated?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

What do you mean by reproducing? Just curious. Thanks. Also, the problem is on MuseScore 3.5, and PLEASE note that the piano has two staves (grand staff) You will notice that after the dynamic that the right hand is almost silent and not in sync with the left hand until the second volta if I would edit notes in that. That is double trouble.

Attachment Size
Test 1.mscz 20.4 KB

In reply to by Jjboss123

I've listened to your attachment and to me it plays back exactly as I'd expect given what you wrote.

  1. You're missing an initial dynamic, so how will anyone know what to start on? (I believe MuseScore uses mf here.
  2. Do you understand the usage of a "fp" marking? You crescendo to forte, then immediately drop to piano; exactly what MuseScore does (no, piano is not silent, but yes, it is quiter than the starting default volume)

Also note that this dynamics change has nothing to to with the volta at all, if you remove those you have the exact same playback effect.

In reply to by jeetee

I add the volta and I compare it to when I do it without the volta, I get the playback. I really just want it fixed. That's all. All I know it that the left hand is louder than the right hand, which is supposed to be in sync. I know that there is a problem.

In reply to by jeetee

If I put a piano dynamic (p) at the beginning of that section, it would barely even hear the right hand after the forte-piano (fp). I want it to crescendo from piano to forte and immediately, both hands go to piano in sync instead of left hand going silent with the left hand loud and clear. It is messed up.

In reply to by Jjboss123

I'm on Windows 7.
Usually the OS should not matter, but sometimes there are OS specific bugs, like fonts not showing properly on Windows 10, but everywhere else (fixed in 3.5), or a certain issue only being seen on macOS or on a certain Linux distribution.
Model and make almost never matter, except maybe for video or sound driver issues (like no sound at all, not the issue you're reporting here)

In reply to by Jjboss123

Wait.. let's back up again.
So you have now confirmed that you hear for Test_1 the same as in the mp3 I attached, and we've already established that that is not a bug.

What you've shown in Test_2 is indeed unexpected to me. I hear the sfp take effect for the top staff, but the bottom staff for some reason isn't doesn't seem to be following.
I don't have the time to investigate more, but I would propose a workaround to get you going: add a normal piano marking instead, and add an accent on the first note. You could even go as far as making the accents invisible and changing the text of the piano marking using the special characters palette to also read sfp.

But a clearer minimal testcase about the effect of sfp in grand staff would be good to be able to file this for further investigation.

In reply to by jeetee

Hmm, the sfp goes to a velocity of 112, then from there down by -47, so should be 65, so more of an mp (which has a setting of 64), the p a while later though is 49
So the sfp just doesn't go down enough it seems? Or rather goes to high, a f is 96, not 112, that would be an ff

Check the attached, with the sfp changed to 96, while keeping the -47

The hairpin BTW has a velocity change of 25, not sure how or whether that plays a role here too

Attachment Size
Test 2.mscz 25.81 KB

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

@ Nadine, Your file Test 1_0 plays properly on my computer. Personally, I don't think fp is the proper use in this case. fp is more of an accent than a stand alone dynamic used at the end of a hairpin. For the fun of it, I substituted mf for fp and put a p on the next note. Seemed more musical to me. Forte seemed too much.

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