Button to leave Musescore's fullscreen mode

• Jan 12, 2017 - 00:47

I'm currently working with Musescore 2.1.
With ctrl+u you enter fullscreen mode.

  1. I just thought it would be nice to have some kind of X-button in corner to leave the fullscreen again.
  2. The common fullscreen key in most programs is F11. Well that is already taken.
    However what about changing the current shortcut ctrl+F11 which still seem to be free.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Maybe it wasn't you. Someone on the FB MS User Group page said something to the effect of "For God's sake, don't buy a Mac." Or something like that. Sorry to sound accusatory. I'm a college music theory prof and it's been a long, COVID-19 online semester! :)

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