File operations buttons gone in toolbars; gone in workspaces; MuseScore 3.5

• Dec 9, 2020 - 22:38

All of a sudden file operations, even when checked, will no longer show the buttons in my toolbars in any of my 3.5 scores. It doesn't matter if I recreate a workspace or not. It doesn't matter if I try to reset. If the score was in page view it remains in page view and there seems to be no way to change it to continuous view and vice versa. playback buttons, concert pitch button, note additions, and all other toolbar menu option groups work fine.


In reply to by mike320

Thanks Mike. Good suggestion. Here is simple opening to a 3.5 version score with some freeform brainstorming of harmonic progression and early attempt at melody showing right click of toolbar choices under the View menu. As folks can see, the File Operations is checked. As folks also can see, none of the usual buttons associated with File Operations show in the appropriate row as we look in the upper left.

In reply to by ste2143816

One thing I wanted to see was the workspace you are in and I think the toolbar list is covering it. If you just tell exactly what that says, it might help. The score displayed doesn't affect the toolbars so you could actually have no score shown if you wanted. It was good to see the toolbar list that says the file operations toolbar is visible.

One possibility I see is that the MuseScore window is not maximized, which by itself is not a problem. What is possible is that the bottom of the window, which isn't visible, could be the location of the toolbar you don't see. You can drag it upward by the title bar until you can see the status bar at the bottom of the MuseScore window. If you can't move it up that far, then make the window shorter and drag it up more until you can see the bottom of the window.

In reply to by mike320

It is maximized. Just cropped the screenshot for convenience of posting. Trust me, I am a retired computer engineer who worked in the profession for some 35 plus years. The issue, which just happened in the last day, has nothing to do with windows or configurations or the like. I think now, though, it may be related to limited space and lack of wiggle room on my ageing laptop which is running Windows and MS Edge but had a lot of files downloaded yesterday evening which I see have critically crowded both the C: and D: partitions, and have 5GB out of 190 GB and 10GB out of 285GB, respectively. So I am going to spend some time offloading a lot of stuff having nothing to do with my music files and then reboot and see if MuseScore fixes itself.

In reply to by ste2143816

In other words I may have tied up some of the RAM or other critical processing that the application needs to work properly. We'll see. Meanwhile, thanks to everybody on the thread for your unselfish support. Let's chat in a day or so after I see if I can work it out by first cleaning up my machine.

In reply to by ste2143816

Maximize button.PNG

The square in the middle is the maximize button. This is from your posted desktop. It's possible the task bar at the bottom of the screen is covering the bottom of the MuseScore window but I can't be sure. I am sure the window in the picture is not maximized. A couple years ago a long time IT CSR had his status bar hidden under his task bar. He said he was quite embarrassed but I understand people don't usually look for what they did wrong first. He had probably dragged the window so it was as large as possible. Since there is a maximize button it doesn't fit itself onto the displayed window.

So you know, it's also possible the toolbar has been dragged off of the visible screen. When you drag it, it becomes undocked. If that happened I don't know what to do except possibly to change the scale on your display so you can see off of the current screen. One thing that will absolutely put it back is to revert to factory settings as Jm6stringer suggested but I prefer to understand how it got to that state.

In reply to by ste2143816

My best guess is you accidentally undocked that toolbar and moved it somewhere other than its normal position - possibly dragged completely off screen. Either that or the individual icons have been removed from the toolbar - see View / Workspace / Customize Toolbars.

Since you are in a custom workspace, I'd suggest switching temporarily to one of the built in workspaces and resetting that (from View / Workspaces).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Ah, Senor Sabatella, the composers community really needs to give you an honorary knighthood in the order of "Music Notational Guruology". [I did purchase the original Kindle of your book...from a few years ago...eagerly awaiting a text for 4.0 if that should ever be released.]
Yes. It was undocked and dragged completely off screen and hidden...but the mess I made with crowding my hard drive hasn't helped, either, so I will continue off loading lots of stuff that has nothing to do with essential files, folders, and music composition.

Should also add that I am migrating all of my 2016 Asus Windows 10 laptop to a much newer 2020 MacBook Pro machine running 10.15 macOS Catalina acquired this soon space, memory, and assorted other resource issues will be a thing of the past.

Thanks again, Marc and everybody in the great MuseScore Community.


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