Hairpins in 3.6

• Mar 9, 2021 - 18:43

I have not been able to expand the length of crescendos and diminuendos and have read the material in the online manual on the subject. I have tried all the suggestions and still cannot get the symbols to appear such as I can on slurs. All that does show up is a small version of the dynamic nuance.

Any suggestions?


If you want the hair pin to cover a certain number of measures or notes, Select them then select the hairpin from the palette. If your hairpin is the wrong length, I think it is faster to just delete it and add the length you want.

In reply to by Pentatonus

Bingo, that's almost ceertain it. An accent does look like a mini-diminuendo. Then there is are also the fade-in and other kind of similar symbols. Basically, nothing on the Articulatiosn palette will be what you want - it's got to be from the Lines palette, or better, the shortcuts "<" and ">".

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