No audio in I/O

• Jun 26, 2021 - 14:44

I just installed MuseScore tonight. All was good until I tried to connect MIDI. This didn't work but also, now there is no Audio at all. Preferences -> I/O -> PortAudio -> API lists nothing. Same for Device, MIDI input and MIDI output. Did the "Restart Audio and MIDI" and still nothing. Restarted the computer and still nothing. Maybe some logs would be helpful?

Regards Patrick


In reply to by bobjp

Initially I didn't turn on my MIDI piano when I first installed MuseScore and starting using it. Latter last night I turned on my MIDI piano and that was when the problem occurred. I turned everything off and rebooted the computer. Then I started the piano first before launching MuseScore. It was then that I found there was no audio at all in MuseScore, either computer or MIDI. It appears that there is a corruption with the preferences of MuseScore.
Next I found a Factory Reset option and tried this. This option then worked, both computer audio and MIDI where now working.
My conclusion is that this is a bug with MuseScore that needs to be captured.

Regards Patrick

In reply to by ZaphodMucescore

You said:

"Initially I didn't turn on my MIDI piano when I first installed MuseScore and starting using it."
This is correct.

"Latter last night I turned on my MIDI piano and that was when the problem occurred."
Yes, if MuseScore was running when you turned on your piano there would be a problem.
At this point you might have toggled (hit twice) the midi input button that is next to the play button.
In any event, you found what the reset button is for.

In some respects MuseScore tries to do what you tell it to do. But if you do things in an order that is contrary to what is expected, I'm not sure it is a bug.

In reply to by bobjp

I understand where you are coming from and I disagree.
What if I first started using MuseScore for several months prior to purchasing a MIDI device? I then attach this new MIDI device and all my audio settings are now gone, as happened to me. My only recourse is to perform a "Reset All Preferences to Default". In so doing, I have now lost all my personalised preferences simply to address something that should never have occurred in MuseScore in the first place. Surely one should be able to add and remove audio and MIDI devices without having to perform a complete reset?

In reply to by ZaphodMucescore

The root of the problem in Win$ is the unpredictable renumbering of Audio / MIDI devices in the Registry when a new external device is added, or when the audio device is changed in the system settings. And Musescore software is unaware of it. The same situation occurs when the computer enters the hybernate mode and then wakes up. All Audio and MIDI devices are renumbered as if the system was rebooted, and Musescore software, whose session before Hybernate is still open, is unaware of it. The software assumes that the old device numbering is already valid.

I have MIDI devices that I turn on and off from time to time and Musescore doesn't even know about.
And I can see them after exiting (quit) and reopening Musescore (i.e. in the next Musescore session, System reboot is not required). And usually using the Reset Audio and MIDI devices button in preferences=>I/O works, and sometimes toogle the MIDI icon in the Toolbar twice works as well. (If I changed the Default Audio device from the icon in the System Tray)

Rarely, a situation like yours may occur. This could also be due to the Musescore's ini file getting bloated/corrupted somehow (on my system it once increased to 7.5MB I think). The problem was that a portion in the middle kept repeating and increasing continuously. Actually, "Factory Reset" was required primarily, but since I had a lot of settings to change, I made the necessary correction (cut out the repetitive part) manually.

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