Last repeat not working - jump into 2nd bracket

• Jul 4, 2021 - 21:52

I guess, this is a bug, but I am not sure:

Look at my score:…

When you play it, the first repeat works as expected, but the 2nd one is just ignored.

Help welcome.



Could be that open 2nd volta, or the play count of the measure containing the 2nd end repeat barline.
Impossible to tell without being able to download the score though

In reply to by philippkemmeter

Apparently you disabled download for the score on
Anyway, it is a 2.3.2 score, time to update to 3.6.2, I guess, it plays it correctly.

Anyway, attached a fixed version for 2.3.2, I changed the open 2nd volta's repeat list from "2" to "1,2".
3.6.2 doesn't need that trick.

So yes, it apparently is a bug, but one that got fixed a while ago

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Wiegenlied_fuer_Ella.mscz 21.72 KB

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