Musescore 3.6.2 hangs. Windows 10

• Aug 28, 2021 - 19:26

Musescore hangs after I have entered 2-3 bars. Seems to be same problem as
I am on the latest version Windows 10 is at latest level: 21H1 19043.1165
I reset Musescore to factory settings
I have tried both midi input and input from the pc keyboard. Error occurs with both. And starting a new score vs.opening an existing score. Same problem.
I hadn't used Musescore for a couple of months. But before that it was working fine.


As with that other thread, in order to assist, we would need you to attach the specific score that is hanging for you and precise steps to reproduce the problem. If you are saying it happens for multiple scores, should be easy to select one of them, then. But we need a score and steps to follow in order to investigate.

I just created a new score from the wizard an entered notes using the pc keyboard. Saved a few times. And no problems even after 25 bars. I am not sure what is different now.
Nevertheless I am attaching the previous score, which is empty really as I didn't get a chance to save before it hung. If I remember correctly, the steps were: create new score using wizard, step entry, in this case I think I may have used midi (but as I said I had tried both previously), program hangs. I had turned off automatic saving for this I think.

Attachment Size
Practicing_dominants.mscz 5.37 KB

So today I opened the score I had successfully entered yesterday. After I had entered 3 new bars via midi, the program hung again, before I was able to save the new edits. I am attaching that score.

Attachment Size
Dominant Exercises.mscz 19.23 KB

In reply to by bobjp

The whole programme freezes, doesn't respond to clicks or keystokes and the cursor/pointer changes to a revolving circle. I have noticed that if I come back to it maybe an hour later, it has returned to normal,but with the next note entry attempt it freezes again.

Just did the following:
Closed all other applications.
Opened a score from Windows explorer (internal SSD on laptop)
Score opened normally
Checked that Auto save was off in the preferences.
Placed marker in bar 38
Activated step time note entry
Entered notes (8ths and quarter notes) - 4 bars.
Saved after 4 bars.
Entered 2 notes in next bar
Adjusted 1st note down 1 octave with ctrl arrow down
Attempted to adjust same note a further octave down
Programme freezes with symptoms as described above.
After writing the above, returned to Musescore. Cursor was no longer spinning. Was able to save the score. (Attached) But as soon as I clicked on the score it froze again.
Clicked on x in top right corner to close the programme. Get a windows message: Musescore3.exe is not responding. Clicked Close Program.

Attachment Size
Dominant Exercises.mscz 24.29 KB

In reply to by StewLaw

Again, in order to have any hope of reproducing this, we need precise instructions. Not just "entered notes", but the exact sequence of keys you are pressing. Although at this point, it seems pretty apparent the problem is not with the score or with the specific sequence, but something in your MIDi or audio drivers that is causing a conflict. So I'd start by updating those, and also being sure your OS is up to date, and freshly rebooted.

Also verify the problem only happens with MIDI input - try entering the exact same sequence of notes normally (using computer keyboard, mouse, or built-in piano keyboard).

After resetting all preferences and restarting audio and midi drivers from the I/O tab in preferences, and rebooting my laptop the issue seems to have been resolved. I had tried note entry using the laptop keyboard and the built in piano. In both cases I was seeing the error. But I also noticed that I was not hearing the notes as they were being entered, although everything was open in the mixer. So I tried playing back the score and that wasn't working. Anyway after resetting and and rebooting everything seems OK. So I would say, yes, related to audio output issues somehow. Thanks for the support!

In reply to by StewLaw

To me, defininetly midi/audio driver related.
New pc with win10, musescore freezed after entering 2 or 3 notes. Compability mode ofcwin 7 or 8, same result. There was no speakers or headset connected. But with headset connected, now musescore is stable. Looks like musescore didnt know what to do with the tones so they jammed up...

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