Musescore is not working

• Nov 1, 2021 - 11:51

Hello, my musescore last version constantly freezes and doesn't work on Windows 11. What to do?


In reply to by Shoichi

I did reboot my comp, deleted the program and reinstalled it, deleted all QWebEngineProcess but still it is not working. Did it several times. I even asked for moneyback, because I purchased annual subscription, and it is not working.

I've got an answer, which isn't an option unless the program works properly. I'm very upset and angry that Musescore company doesn'r want to give my money back, instead of that offering some "options"

There are two types of subscriptions on the website: trial and non-trial. Non-trial subscription is cheaper since it doesn't include a test period. You've started a non-trial annual subscription for $29,99 USD, which is the cheapest one.

You were informed about the price and the subscription plan while subscribing (see attachment) so, you were charged for a PRO subscription as advertised.

I've discussed your case with my head office and asked them to cut off the price. So here is our special offer for you.

I'm not interested in any offers, because the application isn't working despite of all my efforts and waisted time.

In reply to by Maria Mirovska

An annual subscription does not come into play here at all, as the MuseScore Editor (for Windows, Mac, Linux) and the website is entirely free.
The subscription is for the website and the mobile apps (iOS and Android).

Deleting and reinstalling the program rarely helps and does keep the settings, so try reverting MuseScore to factory settings

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