Using Midi files made with Chordpulse in Musescore

• Jan 13, 2022 - 22:53

Just wondered if anyone had run into this problem before:
I use Chordpulse to make quick chord backings, then transfer the midi file into Musrescore so I can add guitar using tab. The problem is Strings or Pad tracks created in ChordPulse typically contain short chords with a cc 64 Hold controller to sustain the chord until the next one, but when used in musescore, the cc64 doesn't seem to work so the part always plays as staccato. Is there someway to adjust Musescore so that the cc64 works, or any other workaround?


In order for people to be able to understand the unique qualities of this file, it would help if you attached it - the MIDI file itself.

If there is a way to get ChordPulse to generate a more standard MIDI file, that would be the best solution - really it shouldn't be doing what you are describing. So I'd report this bug to them. But meanwhile, we might be able to find a workaround here once we see a sample file.

In reply to by bpmrecycle

Indeed, if those piano chords are supposed to be whole notes, it seems ChordPulse messed up the durations.

Easiest way to workaround that bug in ChordPulse would be to select the chords you want to make longer, then press the whole note button. A quick way to select all the quarter notes chords on the piano staff would be to right-click one such note, then Select / More, check Same duration and Same staff, and OK. Now press the whole note button.

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