When repitching the second note of a group of two connected by a tie, the tie should be replaced with a slur instead of disappearing or moving the 1st note along too

• Feb 10, 2022 - 12:40
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion

The issue happens when repitching notes that have been incorrectly linked with a tie instead of a slur. This happens frequently when copying sections such as a saxophone section in a big band, where all saxophones (typically 5) play the exact same rhythm with different notes. The first instrument is copied, then the others are created by copying the first and repitching.

Two notes are tied (same pitch in the first part, to be repitched as two different slurred notes for the next intrument). We repitch the first one in Re-pitch mode, which automatically repitches the second and advance the selection. Then we step back to the second note and repitch it. It is now different from the first one and the tie has been removed. In such a use case, it would make sense to replace the tie with a slur instead of deleting it. Otherwise, we must hit the left arrow twice (switching from midi keyboard to computer keyboard), then the "s" key to create the slur, then the right arrow twice before going back to the midi keyboard.

The main problem isn't to have a few keystrokes more, but to have to look at the screen to detect when it happens. To be more productive, one has to minimize the number of times their eyes leave the paper score to look at the screen. Not only does it take time to find the right measure on the paper (putting a finger on it before looking at the screen helps, but for this, a third hand would be needed), but it is error-prone because this kind of music is full of measures that repeat several times, and it's very easy to go back to the wrong measure.

The solution would be that when repitching the second note, the tie would be replaced with a slur.

There is of course a workaround, which is to do what is described above.


Title When repitching the second note of a group of two connected by a tie, the tie should be replaced with a slur instead of disappearing. When repitching the second note of a group of two connected by a tie, the tie should be replaced with a slur instead of disappearing or moving the 1st note along too
Frequency Once Few

Or, in case of using the arrow keys to change pitch, instead of moving the 1st note too. This in fact did annoy me quite a bit in the past, so thanks for filing it ;-)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

But doesn't that argue against the basis of this suggestion? That basis being notes of the same pitch are only very rarely connected by a slur.

Also what should happen if a tied note is re-pitched causing the tie to become a slur but then that re-pitch operation is undone?

No, it doesn't: different pitches cannot have a tie, but same pitches can have a slur, even if it is rare, it does happen. User intervention needed it it should become a tie in that case.
On undo everything should get undone

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I agree that repitching two notes having the same pitch and linked with a slur should preserve the slur. On the other hand, a command allowing to automatically change this kind of slurs into ties would be helpful, or maybe rather a way to search for such cases. But this is a different story. The main use case for this would be as a workaround for the repitch problem. It would allow using only slurs, and when all input is done, change those between notes of the same pitch to ties. But besides this workaround use case, I don't think it would be much useful (although it wouldn't hurt).

FWIW, I disagree with this request, as explained in the referenced forum thread. 99% of the time when ties are used, repitch should affect both notes. If you repitch left to right, the correct things happen - both notes are changed, and the cursor moves past them both. But if you change your mind and wish to re-repitch, a single arrow left to the second note of the tie should be sufficient. Right now it breaks the tie. This is wrong. It should repitch both notes, same as the arrow keys do.

Yes, there exists a small percentage of cases where ties in one part are replaced by slurs in another There exist 100 times as many cases where ties remain ties. Breaking the 99% of cases just to save a keystroke or two in the 1% is wrong.