Key Signature Not Changing in Transposed Part

• Mar 7, 2022 - 23:47

Not sure if this is a bug, or a setting that I missed.

I created a score in concert pitch, for brass quintet. When I created the parts, it transposed the parts, but instead of adapting the key signature to the parts, accidentals were added. For example, for music in C Major, parts for Trumpet in Bb should be in D Major. They are not. The notes are transposed correctly, but instead the correct key signature, there are sharps in front of the Fs and the Cs.

Assistance is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


Could be your score is using the atonal key signature (with X in the palette) rather than C major. Or it could be you are using an older version of MuseScore that had a bug in this area that was fixed almost immediately in a subsequent version. If adding the actual C major key signature and making sure you are on the current version (3.6.2) doesn't fix it, then indeed, please attach your score so we can understand and assist better.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Marc, thank you for responding.

I am brand new to the program. Yesterday was my first day using it.

It appears that the issue occurs only when I generate a single part, not "all parts." I had first generated a trumpet part only. The resulting tab was named "part," and it did not include the transposed key signature. When I generated "all parts," however, it worked as expected, and the instrument names appeared in the tab.

So far, I like the program. Using keyboard shortcuts and copy/paste greatly speed the note entry process. Some of the spacing between notes is closer than I would like, but I can try adjusting the finer settings so that by default, the spread between the notes is larger. I am used to dealing with that sort of thing with Word, Google Docs, Visio, etc., so I just must work with it to make it do what I want.

Again, thank you.

In reply to by Trumpet71258

You're welcome! Generating a single part should work also, and does for me, but I guess I could imagine some corner cases where it might not. if you attach your score and give us steps to reproduce the problem, we can investigate.

For spacing between notes, usually if you are seeing things closer than you like, that's a sign you should simply add a break (hit Enter, like in Word) so you have fewer measures on the system. Then things automatically space themselves out more loosely. if you find yourself needing to do that a lot, you could consider turning up the global Spacing setting for the score, in Format / Style / Measure. Or you can occasionally use the stretch commands to expand one measure relative to its neighbors. But it should almost never be necessary to play with spacing note by note. Again, if you attach your score, we can understand and assist better.

The Brass Quintett template apparently is setup in concert pitch, so in C-Major all instruments are shown without any key signature.
Anyway, whether I create them one by one or all in one go, the parts are in the correct sounding pitch, like the Trumpets in D-Major and the Horn in G-Major (if the main score is in C-Major).
If that isn't the case for you, please attach the score

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yes, you are right - it is set up for concert pitch. When I generate all parts, the parts transpose correctly.

Not sure why when I generated a single part, it transposed correctly, but instead of adjusting the key signature, it added sharps to each F and C. Strange. I am not concerned about it it at this point, because I have a correct set of parts.

Not urgent, but is there a way to create the score so that the Bb and F instruments are written already transposed, like the parts?

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