Musescore 3 not responding

• Jun 28, 2021 - 04:27

For the past few weeks, I've tried opening musescore on my laptop and it isn't responding at all. It says "would you like to relaunch previous session?" or something like that. No matter if I click yes or no, it doesn't respond still.
I've tried uninstalling, then reinstalling. I've done it with the 64-bit, 32-bit, microsoft store, but none work... what should I do?

I need this for my HSC (Year 12 final year exams) and all my work is on this platform.

Thanks, Massimo


I managed to get the program working by deleting everything in my MuseScore3.ini File located in my %appdata% folder. Typically under C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\MuseScore. By deleting this data, you will lose anything that was not intentionally saved on the computer before it stopped working. Therefore you would only be able to access already saved files. Hope this helps

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