Deleted notes still playing - Musescore 4

• Nov 5, 2022 - 13:15

I've ran into a bit of a weird issue recently while using the Musescore 4 beta.

I separated my piece into multiple sections using the section break tool--this bug only occurs on or past the third section. Whenever I place down a note in those sections, the sound that it plays stays there permanently (at least until I restart the program), even when I completely delete all of the notation for that bar, playing on top of the music that is actually written.

I've attached the score in which this is occurring. To recreate the issue, you should place some notes in the blank measures at the beginning of the third section, delete them, and listen to those bars. The sound from those notes should remain.

Attachment Size
Czerny Op1.mscz 49 KB


I am able to confirm this.
However, There is something not quite right about the repeat structure. Possibly as a result of the added breaks. Change the final barline at the end of section two to a regular final or even a normal line, and the behavior of section three is as it should be. No deleted notes play.

Problems with repeats are known, so no need to report this particular issue further. But in the future, if you encounter other problems, please follow the request in the beta announcement and report problems on GitHub - that is where the developers are tracking bugs.

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