Musescore 4 - application redraw problems: palettes

• Jan 16, 2023 - 07:14

A recurring problem in 4.0.0 and 4.0.1 is the docked palettes trying to redraw over the application user interface when they have scrolled out of view.

In the screenshot, what you are seeing is the Dynamics palette drawing itself despite having been scrolled up and out of view. The problem comes and goes but happens frequently. Moving the mouse around the screen can make the overlaid items rapidly come and go.

Noted on differing WIn10 and Win11 devices, but same dual monitor setup at resolution 1920x1200.

Attachment Size
MS401palette-redraw.png 35.75 KB


Hmm, I haven't seen anything like this, but let us know if you can manage to find precise steps to reproduce this. If so, and others can confirm by following those same steps, then it will make sense to open an issue on GitHub as noted elsewhere.

In reply to by memeweaver

I find best is to upload to YouTube and put a link, the people don’t have to download the file to help.

But if it happens simply on scroll, then I don’t think the video will help anyone else reproduce this, since we all scroll all the time and don’t see this. More likely it will turn out to be something specific to your OS, display, graphics driver and settings, etc. so it might take more experimentation on your part to figure out what the actual trigger is.

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