What hardware/system upgrades will make the biggest positive difference to Musescore use and playback?

• Apr 24, 2023 - 21:26

Hi all
(system deets at the bottom)

Since excitedly upgrading to Musescore 4 and being blown away by the playback of Musehub, I've run into problems with my medium to large orchestral scores, in unacceptable delays of 1-2 seconds for an edit of even a single note to reflect, to immensely jarring and jittery/echoing stutters and pauses during playback. I am able to spend $60-120 equivalent of my Banana Republic currency to upgrade a component or two on my laptop, but want to know from people who have tried these things or know better how the software of Musescore works and get advice on which component upgrade will make the biggest difference.

I was thinking to do one of the following
- Upgrade from 8gb RAM to 16gb (only 1 memory slot, so have to buy 16gb stick)
- Upgrade 500gb HD to equivalent size SSD
- Push retirement back to age 80 and buy a new system??

I have tried the usual advice of increasing the buffer size, closing all other apps, changing Windows Power settings to Performance, and as much as my 10 years of Windows experience can think of.

Would love to hear your ideas, thanks!

System deets:
Musescore 4.0.2
Windows 10 home edition (funnily the latest Linux Mint running on the exact same system had far less issues..)
2017 Lenovo V110 laptop
Intel Core i3-6006u CPU @ 2GHz
8GB RAM @2133 MHz
500GB spinning rust


Your cpu and ram should be fine. The SSD is really nice. You can install it yourself. You need a USB adaptor to SATA drive cable. That will connect the new SSD to the computer so that you can copy the old drive to the SSD. Then it is a matter of opening your computer and swapping drives. Once installed, the computer will boot as normal. Well, except the it will boot in about 20 seconds as opposed to a minute and a half. And just be faster over all. And it won't stall at 100 percent disk usage any more.
Try the settings listed here:https://musescore.org/en/node/339915
Try running with the Mixer open.
There may always be slight delays on clicking. However, you don't always need to wait. For example: You want to delete a note (or something). Just select the note and hit delete right away. Or if you want playback to start at a spot. Select the note and hit play without waiting.
Only you can decide how much money you want to put into your computer. If any. I'm running MU4 on an older computer. However It is having connector and keyboard problems that can't be fixed. So there is that.
Good luck.

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