Measures extending past margins of the page.

• Dec 18, 2023 - 22:53

In two of my part scores, I have measures extending past the initial margin of the page, which I can't click on to edit (picture attached). Both of these only apply when a certain system is visible. In my piano part-score, if I make the left hand invisible, it aligns normally. In the guitar part-score, in which I have a notation and a tab part in, it aligns normally if I hide the tab part.


Definitely strange. I'm not sure what's going on either, but clearly a bug. Please open an issue on GitHub to report it to the developers (

I do suspect it relates to all those places you're using the symbol to force measures together. Delete them and the problem goes away. Probably that really wasn't the best way to accomplish what you wanted - it should be more of a last resort. But it shouldn't have done this.

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