beaming in musescore 4

• Jan 9, 2023 - 14:19

The default beaning for sixteenth notes is different in MuseScore 4 than it was in MuseScore 3. How do I change the default so that it behaves as it did in MuseScore 3? It's very annoying to do it manually for every group.

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Beams.png 17.89 KB


In reply to by SteveBlower

I know this is old, but I just had the same issue in 4.3.2. The score started beaming fine, but after a while, suddenly all 16ths throughout the score changed to having those sub-beams.

The first screenshot is time signature properties normally (4+4+4+4). The second screenshot is the properties set to something weird (3+1+2+2+4+1+3). You can see that, if any 16th beam is present, it has been replaced by a sub-beam in those exact same places (on the "and" of every beat).

I genuinely am not sure what happened; I can't reproduce it.

In reply to by bobjp

@rothers: Correct, and it's only ok up until that point because of this workaround. When it messed up, it was the entire score, including that earlier 10/8 section.

@bobjp: The workaround is to create a custom time signature with a different subdivision (e.g. 8/8 instead of 4/4) and then specify the groupings what you want (aka 4+4+4+4). That fixes it, and that's what I did for the 10/8 section. I can fix mvt 2 that way as well, but for troubleshooting purposes I gave you the version with the default 4/4 signature.

In reply to by bobjp

I also have noticed when I deleted measures in the 1st mvt, the beaming problem in the 2nd mvt went away. I want to experiment more with it to see exactly what is causing this, but I don't quite have the time/patience required at the moment.

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