MuseScore Crashing on Every File

• Jul 20, 2024 - 03:43

MuseScore crashes on every file that I open. I don't know if it even depends on the file itself/by file by file basis, or whether something with the program itself has faulted. I've tried opening files from early 2022-late 2023 and they still crash the program.

Every time I open a score, it crashes, even if I create a new score from scratch, the program still crashes.

I was using the program last night and the program was working perfectly.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program, and have also done the factory resets, and the program is still crashing after opening any files/scores.

Just in case it's specific to these scores (maybe all my scores have somehow corrupted? I hope not), I'll put some of new and old scores here. The 'Piano and Flute Copy' is an old score, while the other two are new scores.


Attachment Size
Untitled score.mscz 128.16 KB
SATB Choir.mscz 80.17 KB
Piano_and_Flute Copy.mscx 1.43 MB


The first of these at least opens just fine for me, suggesting the issue has something to do with your system, not the scores. Do you by chance have third party VST plugins installed? Anything unusual about your display or audio drivers? Could be there was an OS update or driver update that triggered the problem. Try standard things like rebooting, running a disk diagnostic, etc.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The only third part VST plugins I have are MuseSounds (if they are even considered third party). I haven't changed my display or audio drivers since I worked on MuseScore last night and today. I've rebooted the computer a couple times. I'll try once more to see if that does anything.

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