Problems with tablature flags

• Dec 18, 2016 - 17:38
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion

In the nightlies there are some redraw problems with tablature flags (note lenght signs). Often a piece of these flags are missing, sometimes the whole flag.

The headless French Baroque flags are missing the 64th.

It would be good to have the possibility to change colour and position of single flags, so that a tablature like in the capirola lutebook would be possible. Currently the flags seem to be the only signs that cannot be changed that way.


Severity S1 - Blocker
Regression No
Workaround No

Has this been fixed and I just don't know how to activate the headless 64th note (hemi-demi-semiquaver) rhythm flag? Whether I type "1" in my keypad or click the 64th note icon in the pallete, I get a dot rather than a flag. Screenshot attached. I am aware this thread comes from 2018 but this was all I was able to find with search term "musescore tablature headless 64th" Thanks!

Attachment Size
Untitled 2.png 11.36 KB

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

" Whether I type "1" in my keypad or click the 64th note icon in the pallete, I get a dot rather than a flag."

For the record, these are not dots (they're diamonds), but the rests of the 64th and 126th notes, which are simply not implemented - see GIF below.
There are probably no lute glyphs for this kind of duration, which is highly unusual (or never used in early music, you'll probably know better than I?)
There's no obvious solution. And even unchecking “Show Rests” in the Advanced Style Properties doesn't change anything, since it's not intended to! If this score is to be printed (for you), I suppose it will be easy to hide them manually.

Video rests.gif

In reply to by cadiz1

Hi Cadiz! It’s always good to read your thoughts.

This discussion moved over to GitHub, but, quand même, I can tell you that it turns out both that there is no French Baroque Headless duration flag for a 64th note, and that high-baroque German ornamentation does occasionally get to the 64th note level. Dedicated rest symbols are not needed.

I did read the 2015 thread that you and Maurizio had while developing the tablature font set. It was a fascinating discussion!

In the GitHub thread, one of the participants made a quick mockup of a 64th note rhythm flag and sent it to me in a TrueType set. I installed the modified font on my system, overwriting whatever was there prior, and now I have 64th note flags in the French baroque “headless” style! No need to hide anything manually.

I hope things are lovely where you are.
