I am new to Musescore 4

• Aug 25, 2024 - 19:31


I would really appreciate any advice on the following .

Basically, I am in a virtual choir and learn the music online. I want to be able to separate my part, alto, to make it easier for me as I have only been singing and reading music since the beginning of covid.

I have achieved the measures, changing and deleting notes, making them vanish etc. I can add text.

I have watched lots of you tube clips on Musescore 4 but continue to struggle and am going round and round in circles. I am making progress but am struggling with the basics. I would appreciate any help with the following:

  1. How do I import a score WITH the lyrics from Musescore?
    I have managed to download a couple of scores but have had to imput the text myself which takes forever. I would appreciate simple instructions as I am a senior and do not want anything too technical to follow.

  2. In one score I achieved most things but there is one part that I believe is called a 'hook' it has downloaded two hooks with the number 99 inside both, I want it to be 1 and then 2. Is this possible. I will try to upload what I mean below.

Thankyou in advance for any advice you can give me

Many thanks



  1. "How do I import a score WITH the lyrics from Musescore?"
    Have you downloaded a score from MuseScore.com that had lyrics, and they aren't there when you open it in MU4? See if the attached score has lyrics.

  2. Please post a png. of what you are calling a hook.

Oh, and welcome to MuseScore.

Attachment Size
Great_is_thy_Faithfulness.mscz 4.54 KB

In reply to by bobjp

Thankyou for your response. I downloaded one of my scores in my documents that had lyrics into MU4 and they weren't there when I opened them. I haven't been successful in downloading anything directly from musescore.

The attached score had lyrics.

It is the basics I'm struggling with.

I'll try to post a png of the 'hook' it appears MU4 appears to call it that

I converted jpg to png but it wouldn't send so had to send jpeg again, sorry

I'll try to find another way to show you

Many thanks, much appreciated

Attachment Size
4.jpg 1.1 MB
3.jpg 377.94 KB
2.jpg 781.12 KB

In reply to by pat_190@yahoo.co.uk

Sorry. jpg is fine. The score that I posted was one that I got from MuseScore.com.

This sentence, " I downloaded one of my scores in my documents that had lyrics into MU4 and they weren't there when I opened them." threw me for a second (or three.) I take it you meant that you opened one of your scores and there were no lyrics.

For your hooks, see this part of the manual https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/voltas

The 99 is some kind of joke.

In reply to by pat_190@yahoo.co.uk

To answer your remaining question we need to know where you are downloading your score-with-lyrics from? In what format is this score? And how was this score created originally?

For example, if the score was created originally in another notation program, that other program may not have correctly exported the lyrics with the notation (which, obviously, would make it impossible for MuS to get them). If you are talking about converting from a .PDF to MuS, the lyrics may not be interpreted properly by the conversion application (and thus not be in the newly created .MSCZ file).

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