This is a very good plugin, usable even on big scores.
For MS4, perhaps you could add a description and a title?
This does not seem to work (on Linux)
chordDialog.title = chordDialog.menuPath.replace('Plugins.','')
i changed it to
chordDialog.title = "ChordID";
Works fine on MS4 Linux
is quite tricky, but not needed at all as Qt.quit() is wrong in any case (just in Mu3 doesn't lead to crashes).
if you insist on keeping it and just want to avoid the warning thet quit() gives un Mu3, @mirabilos came up with a nice trick:
Thank you @graffesmusic and @Jojo-Schmitz for reporting that bug, so MS4 does not support the assignment of menuPath. How is the color picker working on linux? QML documentation isn't very clear.
@Jojo-Schmitz thanks for your comment and tips on quit(). I'd remove all of them but the original plugin is 'dialog' and I need to close the plugin window. The typeof trick from @mirabilos is smart !
Color picking works fine. (also custom color)
As you can see on the screenshot, the layout isn't perfect (but lots of plugins behave this way on Linux - i don't mind)
Guys, thank you for reporting bugs. I'd hate myself if I taint the marvelous original Chord Identifier (Pop & Jazz) plugin and its previous contributors.
Latest version added (dumb) conventional roman numeral analysis in line with ABRSM theory exam syllabus. eg no bIII
Please note that the latest version does not work on MS4 (loop).
On MS3 it works fine.
2023-02-23T12:14:08.211 | ERROR | main_thread | AppShell | run: error: file:///home/charles/Documents/MuseScore4Development/Plugins/musescore_chordid/ChordID.qml:703:5: QML Flow: Flow called polish() inside updatePolish() of Flow
2023-02-23T12:14:08.211 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | file:///home/charles/Documents/MuseScore4Development/Plugins/musescore_chordid/ChordID.qml:703:5: QML Flow: Flow called polish() inside updatePolish() of Flow
No it's not crashing. It's opening but not showing anything but taking all cpu.
(not responding => need to kill it)
The errors from above are repeating infinite.
Updated, should be fine now. with a responsive interface.
Its seems though in ms4 responsive interface requires manual window resizing at each startup, maybe cos of the developmental status of underlining current plugin api.
Using the latest version of Musescore and Windows, the colour assignment for chords paints all notes in the colour most recently chosen on whatever degree, regardless of the 1st, 2nd 3rd allocation etc. Does anyone know a way to fix this? It also resets all the colours in the colour allocation sample box to that same colour when Musescore is closed and opened again.
Selfishly, it would be fantastic if this plug in had the option to include Jazz analysis, what you have so far is fantastic, just with the addition all the harmonic extensions, 7, 9, 11 and 13 plus alterations.
Re: colour assignment bug and colour option reset bug.
Did you mean the latest musescore 4.0.2 ? I have not tried out 4.0.2 yet. The plugin is tested on musescore 3.6.2 and 4.0.1 Windows, have you tried these version? did you encounter problems with them?
Re: Jazz analysis with the extensions and alterations.
Do you have a particular chord in mind? Some chord extensions and alterations are already included. I updated the plugin overview page just now to show a part of the internal chord matching chart (scroll down to see). Feel free to edit the chart to you liking, just open the .QML files with any text editor program, the code is free, no need to ask for any permission.
I'm not familiar at all with Jazz chord extensions and which to pick in enharmonic chords such as Cadd6 or Cadd13, is there a popular set of "street rules"? I know not all extensions and alterations are created equal, I guess there's a complex and sometimes subjective decision making considering voicing and tone omission and context of the music phrase. Coding the analysis may be out of my skill level, so I just go with the previous contributors.
I'd love if you share with us your chord matching decisions and knowledge and part of the chart you unsatisfactory.
Please note that the feature of chord extensions for roman numeral eg IVsus4 are removed in this plugin.
Thank you for this plugin.
One question.
I have a problem with inversions when using roman numerals as symbol.
When using a dominant seventh chord in first inversion the 65 are notated next to each other like V65
I would expect the 5 would be notated below the 6.
Is there a setting for that?
Hi Johan-v,
You are right the 5 should be notated below the 6 in the V65. The plugin adds a line break character incorrectly. Thank you for letting me know, I'm looking into it.
It looks fine now.
Numbers are verticaly alligned.
Another small thing. (minor user interface problem on my computer)
As the plugin (not docked) is quit big the analyse button each time below my screen when starting the plugin.
So I have to move it each time up.
In the docked version the analyse button is above so I don't have to scroll with that one.
But I prefer the windowed version.
resize the windowed version to your screen size: open ChordID_Windowed.qml with a plain text editor, change line1644 property bool fixsize:false to property bool fixsize:true, optionally change line1647 property real customheight: Screen.desktopAvailableHeight*.5 to a desired value, save, restart musescore; or
open the docked version, undock it into a window by dragging the title bar or clicking the opposing-arrow button (see below); or
Works perfect.
I suppose there is not much documentation.
This plugin is above my level.
Do you think it would be easy to change chord types?
Like maj7 instead off Maj7
I also had a situation where three digits were listed horizontally instead of vertically in roman numeral.
Where can I find the line number insert code.
Maybe I can try to learn.
> documentation
for plugin: Plugins for 3.x , musescore 4 plugin system is still in development
for chord id: none, just the download page
> maj7 instead off Maj7
simply change line136 "Maj7" to "maj7", musescore 3 understands and create audio correctly for both, but that's not always the case, see Chord notation systems
> find the line number
some text editor software shows line number, like sublime text, or notepadpluslpus, or, but you don't really need that, you can instead use the search function, for example mentioned in the previous post is the first "fixsize" search result.
Having a ball hitting Chopin and Ravel piano compositions with the chord ID (Docked) plugin. My idea is to ‘jazzify’ these with jazz voicings in the left hand. It works great overall , but the chord symbols produced are not always “jazzy”, even though in the code there are 59 mentions of ‘jazz’.
I know one can debate forever about naming chords, but is there a way to choose a more jazzy result? I don’t see a choice in the GUI. Is it just a matter of modifying the chordStyles array?
There is an elusive comment there: “this array is not refer by hardcode index anymore”
In addition I discovered a few outright errors (see below).
Meassure 1: DbMaj7 does not contain g natural
Measures 2: Does not contain b13 which would be ab
Measures 3-4: do not contain b9 nor b13
In my ‘jazz’ book these would be called as in measures 5-8
chord names for aug triads use the wrong root note.
See attached file
When enabling don't close the window after analyse - the windows stays indeed but is hidden here behind the main musescore window. I can use the plugin without problem when using dual monitors.
Thank you for reporting!
> 1
You're right that chord is best named Ab+ rather than C+. Roots of enharmonic chords (aug and dim7) are not optimal currently, it's kind of a coding hurdle, pls see the Supplementary info below.
> 2
Thanks, I'm looking into it.
Thank you for sharing your insight on jazz chord naming! I don't know much about them and would appreciate all kinds of input. I'm looking into the errors. I'd love Ravel piano pieces jazzified, couldn't really understand them anyhow.
> choose a more jazzy result.
There's no such options yet, mainly because I'm not educated in jazz chord enough. Providing GUI options is a good idea.
> modifying the chordStyles array.
Yes, pls see the Supplementary info below.
> There is an elusive comment there: “this array is not refer by hardcode index anymore”.
In Chord Identifier (Pop & Jazz) v3.4 and predecessor plugins, each ChordStyles entry has a trailing comment that contains the index, eg "Maj7" is commented "05: M7 = Major Seventh". Hardcode index integer is used internally sometimes, codes like x=5; chordStyles[x] to refer to "Maj7".
In Chord ID and Roman numeral analysis, to enable reordering ChordStyles freely, such codes are replaced with iteration and data comparison. ChordStyles entries are reordered but their trailing comments are preserved as is.
Pls be aware of the discrepancy between the real index and the old index in comment, for example the "Maj7" entry has trailing comment "05: M7 = Major Seventh" but isn't the fifth item, it's the seventh item now.
Supplementary info:
gist of how the plugin works (version 20230818A):
gathers notes - "notes set"
iterate chordStyles (line337)
compare each currently enabled chordStyle with the "notes set" (line360)
37 over powerchord (line378)
for enharmonic chords, chordStyles ordering = priority because of the iteration (line337)
all notes are "treated equally", the plugin does not take into account the bass during analysis yet. Understanding the bass and its relationship with the key (if provided) would fix the wrong root bug of dim7 and aug, and would help improve jazz chord analysis.
octave position of notes are not used yet, eg b9=b2. I think it'd be great if the plugin can use octave info for jazz chord analysis, but I'm afraid it requires redesigning the fundamentals and considering when is a b2 allowed to act as a b9.
enharmonic notes are "treated equally", the plugin does not take hint from them yet. This is a trickier problem because composers do not always use them for harmonic reason. Check out the awesome Replace chord symbols plugin by @elsewhere.
if you modified chordStyles and want to run tests, there are chord samples inside yamahatest.mscz (included in the zip file downloadable under the "Extras for developers" section on the plugin page)
Thank you for your answer and your interest. I enclose a sample score with mm39-58 from La Valse of Ravel, the orginal (after running Chord ID) & the “jazzified” version. It’s laborious (this took me most of the afternoon) but interesting. The good news is that without the chord ID plugin I would never have tackled this (as “too daunting”), so it’s great that the plugin got me going.
Thanks also for your comments about the code. I doubt that we could get this ‘perfect’. Some reasons:
Chord names are not unambiguous: in jazz voicings for C7 & Em7b5 are identical.
As you write: “all notes are "treated equally", the plugin does not take into account the base during analysis yet.” That could help but does not solve all problems because there are also legitimate inversions.
I’ll let you know if I get any hunch on how to tackle this
What is? (I don’t understand): “detection tests use yamahatest.mscz under "download for devs"”
Wow, thanks for sharing your work. I've been working on the four errors. Error 2-4 are due to missing entries, I've added them and been running tests. Error 1 is quite tricky because it's due to confusion with another voicing ( the one the left hand presses 3 and 7) that proves your point on ambiguity. I went back and rephrased that sentence in the previous post.
Got it now… Thanks.
Some food for thought:
In his Jazz Theory book Mark Levine says: you only need 3 scales: Major, melodic minor & dimished.
Long ago I had the idea that what makes a chord unique is the pattern of distances between the notes, and since you can have inversions one pattern also defines the inverted patterns.
Looking in these scales for unique patterns (from 2 to 6 notes) I found there are only 116 unique patterns !!! (I can send you the Excel sheet if you wish) But naming them is not easy and/or unambiguous. And of course Ravel does not limit himself to these scales… Still, looking at the chromatic scale for unique distance patterns would certainly be exhaustive, and the number might not be astronomical. I might try this “just for laughs”…
But naming them will remain a challenge. But one could go along piecemeal...
> distances between the notes
I believe this plugin works similarly to your idea, the 3rd column (INTERVALS) of major triad chord entry (the very first entry) is [4,7], meaning 4 semitones and 7 semitones from the root.
> Looking in these scales for unique patterns (from 2 to 6 notes) I found there are only 116 unique patterns
That's in fact a good way to make sure chordStyles don't miss a pattern, but don't you miss three of them with 116? If from a major scale (DO, RE, MI ... total 7) you pick 2 notes (DO+RE, DO+MI ... ), the total number of unique combinations = 7C2, similarly for the total number of combinations picking 2-6 notes, there're 119 unique combinations, isn't it?
That's for major scale, finding the total for all'd be an interesting math puzzle:
If we think about the combinations for the melodic minor scale and the two different diminished scales ( ? =Octatonic scale wikipedia ?), some of their combinations would be duplicates, eg DO+RE present in both major and melodic minor scale. I can't think of how to count duplicates yet, but the final total should be simple sum minus them.
If we don't limit on these scales, and use the chromatic scale, that would be (DO, RI, RE, ME, MI ... total 11), the total number of unique combinations = astronomical 1474, the first combination would be DO+RI, 1474 "chords" that'd be pretty exhausting to name, doing so would put a smile even on Schoenberg I presume.
Anyway, these combinations do not contain inversion (bass) and note octave info, which I think is essential to solve the enharmonic chord problem.
You don’t take into account that the inversion of a chord is still that chord, and thus, in my book, not unique. For example: C-F and C-G are not different because C-G = F-C (in terms of distances)
I analyzed a Piano line from the yamahatest file and found 4 duplicates among 39 chords (see attached)
In the meantime I found that on the chromatic scale I find only 349 unique chords (from 2 to 11 notes), many probably sounding awful or unplayable. But Ravel cannot escape me now…
I had not yet clicked Show on Advanced (A-G).Thanks for that.
Yet another thing I wanted to mention: You seem satisfied naming the C7susb9 chord in my post above as C7b9. According to chord-scale theory (as explained by Mark Levine) this is not correct.
The gist of this theory is: each chord belongs to a scale, so that an improvisor seeing a chord symbol instantly knows the pool of notes he can improvise with. But that’s only a start. A notorious exception is that if you play the melody note c on G7 it sounds awful, and G7sus is more appropriate. Moreover, C7b9 belongs to the Cdim scale ( c c# eb e f# g a bb c) and does not contain f. C7susb9 on the other hand belongs to Bb melodic minor (bb c db eb f g a bb) which contains all the notes.
Not that chord-scale theory was handed down from God.
My current thinking: if the plugin can calculate the intervals and their inversions a giant table of 349 (or less) with a prefered chordname(s) attached at each line might be the way to go.
Inversions are easy enough in Excel (with inversies in the style "3423":
Sub Inversies()
Row = 2
While Cells(Row, 14) <> ""
Rows(Row & ":" & Row).Select
r = Trim(Cells(Row, 14))
s = ""
Col = 14
While s <> r
q = Cells(Row, Col)
s = Mid(q, 2) & Left(q, 1)
Col = Col + 1
If Trim(s) <> r Then Cells(Row, Col) = s
Row = Row + 1
End Sub
Your previous post showed the difference, I agreed C7susb9 should not be named C7b9, I added the missing chordStyles entries in the testing version inside the zip file , I'm still working on Error1 and Johan-v's bug report so the testing version is not posted on the plugin page yet.
The plugin already creates inversions of the "note set" on the fly (line337), and compare them with chordStyles. It's just that the bass note of a "note set" does not have significance on analysis yet.
You could try modifying the chordStyles array to see if it can do zero-tolerance chord analysis. There're ~40 chordStyles entries currently so adding it up to 349 might create up to 8x impact on performance, but I doubt that'd be noticeable on a modern CPU.
Right, not from Him, He digs consonances, the perfect kind, is what we heard.
The bass note (but also the context, e.g. F C7 A7 vs F Em7b5 A7) might indeed be a clue to which of the possible chord names to use. Also the melody note should get less weight, since on a given chord you can play many notes (as Bach showed long ago). This is lots of fun. I don't think performance will be affected. I have had plugins with tables of 6000 lines.
For practical purposes 40 might be plenty. I have a database of 385 lead sheets that contain 17700 chords and I only use 21 ‘tails’ (see attached).
But my long-term goal would be to understand Ravel’s use of harmony (he famously quipped: “It’s like Mozart”), but nobody has made any sense of it apart from saying things like ‘polytonal’. And you can name anything of course with enough x# and yb and added z.
My hope is that by running stats on his use of the 349 I get some insight in the underlying Mozartian logic.
EDIT: Also note there is an interesting 'equivalence bewteen 7#11 and 7b13: f a b eb = F7#11(1 3 5 7b) and G7b13 (7 9 3 b13)
Plugin updated, includes bug fixes and new options to control analysis moments. Added a quickstart guide on plugin page. For the windowed version plugin, buttons are moved to the top as per suggestion from Johan-v, but I failed to figure out how to keep the plugin window on top of musescore, so the current solution is to use a 3rd party program such as Used a note tpc value comparison trick to decide the root of enharmonic chords. Turns out I was not wrong about the role of accidentals on the root in roman numeral analysis: sharp symbol is (?should be?) used to raise the Ab in a raised submediant triad of C minor, reference, I'm still deciding on which to use.
Yes it's exciting to decipher HOW great composers create music, and the polytonal explanation is no helpful enough. I worked out some Chopins earlier and learnt to appreciate the double harmonic minor scale . Thanks for your jazz magical equivalence info.
Can you help me understand how your code selects the root of the chord? It’s not always the lowest note. I suppose you look at inversions. I see it in the code but cannot make sense of it.
Anyway for Ravel I put this on the backburner since it is not sure that his chords have conventional names and/or conventional roots. I have code now that collects all notes at every cursor.tick and I can map the distances to my global harmony table, and for the time being I name the harmonies after the row there, e.g. R157.
I have already a nice name for the project: “Ravel unraveled”
You mention: “a note tpc value comparison trick to decide the root of enharmonic chords.” I’d appreciate more details. I see it in the code but cannot make sense of it.
Tomorrow I start testing La Valse…
“Ravel unraveled” XD, what is the opposite? Ravel the unraveled, trouble the untroubled.
Pls read the the latest version as I've refactored old codes, earlier versions have nonsense codes. This plugin uses semitones but not scale degree distance. The tpc addon is simply sorting notes and using the n-th item, see [pitch:tpc] in aug_d7.mcsz in latest
Pls try this special logging version on chords, feel free to point out bugs and errors.
Got that. You probably know this, but just in case... You could also address ambivalent chordnames by doing multiple add(harmony) at the same tick. This neatly stacks the names on top of each other. But your users might not like that...
You've got a point, all chords that highly match should be suggested, I think musicians using this plugin for harmony analysis would find them useful. If only we could decide on a simple good "cutoff matching minimum" and a way to add symbols without confusing the user - some may have not even heard of equivalent / enharmonic chords.
Note that current version partialmatched/fillmatched[0].fillcount===r.fillcount results in push() for code simplicity, the results are not actually sorted.
I had a terrible time getting the harmonies (and the cursor) to the proper tick (selecting measures 1-2 in the left hand) , but your function addToScore came to the rescue (see measures 3-4), even though I do not understand why it works: why can I force a new cursor to a tick where the old cursor won’t go? And why because of the mysterious
c.track=cursor.track //ms3 bug ?hacky
c.track=track //ms3 bug ?hacky
I enclose my dev version. Assignment of the harmony R values still looks buggy, but seems to work with tuplets.
Congrats! If I'm not mistaken, the root may have something to do with the j in findHarmony() and the content string, but the intensive part is ahead - generate one name (or more!) for each row. That c.track comments look like mine, still no idea why it works, or when it may fail. Now that you mentioned tuplets, I haven't test them with Chord ID thoroughly, also forget about filtering out selected drum staffs.
The placement of the chord symbols was still not quite right. The basic problem (that keeps haunting me in many of my projects) is this:
cursor.rewindToTick(x) will only work correctly if there is a segment at x. Otherwise it will put the cursor at the next available segment (in the current track) after x (see
In Allchords.qml I construct an array of unique ticks & the noteset associated with this tick. But not all tracks have a segment at this tick. So I look for for the first track that has this tick and add the harmony. If this track is not in the first staff the chord symbol would be put above the corresponding staff, and not above the top staff where we want it. That’s where the addToScore logic comes in:
var c=curScore.newCursor() // get a new cursor
c.track=cursor.track // set it to the current track & tick
c.rewindToTick(cursor.tick) // which works correctly in that track
c.track=0 // now switch it to track 0
c.add (harmony)
This is a very clever trick to put the cursor in the right place in track 0, even though there is no pre-existing segment there. In your plugin the track fed to addToScore is indeed always 4 or higher.
It dawned on me that the R88 etc symbols will at best be replaced by a chord type (m7,7b9 etc) because all info about the notes is lost in the distances patterns. Could still be useful for the advanced user: you see the notes in the score.
I'll look into it. It's probably because you selected rests in the left hands. Or if you selected everything it will not show the duplicate of what you selected. More later...
Fixed some bugs: the score pointer ran off the deep end...
I can't seem to download the Giant Steps without becoming Pro, which I don't want. If you still have troubles with this file could you post an incriminating snippet? (and what you selected)
I've been skimming through the code, now I see I shouldn't select the whole score but I should select one chord right?
As for the file, I also do not buy download permission. I thought works famous and old would be public domain anyway but I was wrong so I resorted to shamelessly keying in until I'm bored: Giant_Steps.mscz not complete, might have errors
Thank you for your interest. You can select more than one chord or one measure. The code finds but does not report the match with the selection.
Thanks for the Giant Steps fragment.
Speaking of Giant Steps this is a funny one:
@laurentVeliscek Thank you for reporting, adding 7 sharps/flats support is a good idea. Glad you find the plugin helpful.
@elsewhere 101 dalmatians steps
OT: (You may know this already, but it was news to me)
I asked ellejohara, the author of the New Retrograde plugin where she gets such neat things as ‘cursor.measure.timesigActual.denominator’ (that I don’t find in the API documentation)
Her answer:
“How do I find neat things like timesig.Actual? I use a very simple function to list the content of objects in the console window:
function pre(item) {
for(var p in item)
console.log(p + ": " + item[p]);
That shows me all kinds of goodies. Then I just tinker…”
And indeed, if you select a measure and run:
pre(cursor.measure) you get 200+ properties of measure, among which ‘timesigActual’
If you run pre(cursor.measure. timesigActual) you get (among other things) the correct values for numerator and denominator.
With some devotion this could be used to build an improved API documentation.
P.S. Check out the latest version of her plugin. It is really elegant code.
@elsewhere Thanks for the info! The new retrograde is good, also check out the swiss knife by .ash86
@dnovoae and @laurentVeliscek Suggestion's been added to dev version
a post-process routine to translate the RNA to detect some "special" altered sixth chords.
I don't know how to code using QML language, but this routine could look like something like this:
if ("no fifth in the chord" && "keyIsMinor")
output = output.replace("VI7b", "It+6")
if ("no fifth in the chord" && "keyIsMajor")
output = output.replace("bVI7b", "It+6")
German Sixth
if ("fifth in the chord" && "keyIsMinor")
output = output.replace("VI7b", Ger+6")
if ("fifth in the chord" && "keyIsMajor")
output = output.replace("bVI7b", Ger+6")
French Sixth
if ("keyIsMinor")
output = output.replace("VI7b5b", Fre+6")
if ("keyIsMajor")
output = output.replace("bVI7b5b", "Fre+6")
output = output.replace("II431b", "Fre+6")
And maybe add a check box to enable/disable this behaviour...
Not so complex to implement as it is only simple text searchAndReplace, but a useful to analyse scores and check chords...
And may be, using the same text "search and replace" method, Secondary Dominant (V/x) and Secondary Diminished Sevenths (vii°/x and viiø7/x) chords detection/translation could greatly improve the harmonic analysis.
Let me know if you need a chart with some appropriate searchAndReplace patterns to detect and translate secondary 5th and 7th dominant chords...
edit 2023/11/11: corrected some wrong RNA in previous post 2023/10/13
Re: secondaries
They are quite easy to spot (a Major chord where minor should have been, etc) but you're right, why not replace them automatically if we can? @laurentVeliscek's post-process search and replace method and @dnovoae's suggestion to provide options both sound nice, thank you!
dnovoae is correct on the point "important degrees", we'd think about what to include.
We'd also think carefully about the rare / possibly wrong analysis.
how about
secondary dominant
VI = V/ii
VII = V/III that is Bb in C minor = V of Eb Major
VII = V/iii that is B in C Major = V of E minor
I = V/IV that is C in C Major = V of F Major ?confusion coz I is most common? should skip?
I = V/iv that is C in C minor = V of F minor ?quite farfetching ?should skip?
II = V/V
III = V/VI that is Eb in C minor = V of Ab Major
III = V/vi that is E in C Major = V of A minor
IV = V/VII that is F in C minor = V of Bb Major
bV = V/VII that is F# in C minor = V of B Major
V/vii that is ... = V of B minor . skipped coz rarely seen
secondary dominant seventh
similar to above but use 7.
secondary leading-tone, only make sense when tonalize to a Major chord
iio = viio/III that is Do in C minor = viio of Eb Major
iiio = viio/IV that is Eo in C Major = viio of F Major
bvo = viio/V that is F#o in C (both) = viio of G Major
vo = viio/VI that is Go in C minor = viio of Ab Major
#vio = viio/VII that is Ao in C minor = viio of Bb Major
viio = viio/VII that is Bbo in C minor = viio of B Major
secondary leading-tone seventh
similar to above but use 7; not sure why but I feel these may not be as meaningful coz of the enharmonic nature.
Re: identification of the Fre+6 was different depending of the chosen key.
Thank you for reporting this strange behavior! Confirmed. No idea why this happens, but figuring it out should help prevent future "searchAndReplace" bugs. fr6bug.mscz
Re: neapolitan and augmented sixths
Detailed suggestion messy bucket @laurentVeliscek! It sounds pretty solid, I'm trying it out.
To give convincing result, the plugin need to check 1. the bass note and 2. presence of tonic note doubling, both of which the current code's not capable of yet. The results therefore might create a bit of confusion, that's ok though I think users should have already known this plugin's not a reliable proofreading tool.
Hi msfp, Long time ago, when I use Cubase, I think of/want a automation function.
The function could identifiy and anlyze the chords and the notes below to the chords. And automaticlly show the interval of each note !
Your plugin has a very similar fuction, which show the interval by color. But I think It's not very convenient. So, could you upgrate a funtion like I mentioned:
As you can see in the picture , I added all intervals by hand at the lyric line. I want it to be done by plugin, to show intervals under staff or by the side of each note.
This works well on a score that has more complex chords/modulations than it does on another score (Devil's Dance) that contains more simple chords. On the simpler score, nothing is displayed using Windows mode, even with some tweaking of the settings. I have used the same settings on both scores. So I have scratched off two the three hairs on my chinny chin chin... Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
The "Devil's dance" score features broken chord accompaniment. Before pressing analysis, I'd figure out phrases where the harmony remains unchanged. I'd then add parenthesis text "(" and ")" to the beginning and the end of each phrase respectively. This indicates that all notes within that phrase should be considered as one single chord for analysis.
It would be great if the plugin could provide the figured bass numerals used in Bach and early music. It should be much simpler than Roman numerals, as there is no reference to a specific tonic to be calculated (and it is very advantageous when, as in modal music, there is no tonic in the traditional sense).
It is true that many of the figures correspond to those small ones found in Roman numerals (such as 6, 46, 24 etc.) so it’s just enough to 'ignore' the big Roman numeral, but I think in more complex situations the notation may perhaps be slightly different.
To my knowledge there is no plugin that does this in any software. I’m attaching a picture as example
Thank you for your comment. It is a wonderful suggestion. I think you are right it should requires less coding. Musescore has a dedicated Figured Bass object which could make the journey easier. I am not used to reading figured bass, let along writing, so researching into how to write them correctly and how to automate it would be needed. Definitely on my hobby plugin todo list. Please feel free to go ahead if you are familiar with figured bass and coding, the program code is free (GPLv2, the embedded ExpandChordSymbols is MIT).
Just to be clear, is it correct that you mean an analysis plugin (notes -> figured bass), similar to the way this current plugin works (notes -> chord symbol)? I presume figured bass has a role in the past as composer's shorthand (figured bass -> performance), which may necessitates a much different plugin for the missing figured bass equivalent function of chord symbol's "realise chord symbol" (figured bass ->notes)… .
To just remove the big Roman numeral with a plugin could/should be pretty easy (but could have formatting problems). Could you post a MU3 or musicxml file (not a MU4 file) with plenty of roman numerals in it?
EDIT: This is trivial. Select all chord symbols and press delete: this removes the roman numerals (they are treated as a type of chord symbol) leaving the figured bass-like annotations...
Hello. Your plugin is great and I have been using it as soon as I found it.
So, my request is that you provide more options for more code interpretation and notation.
Specifically, I would like to be able to choose "aug", "aug7", "augM7", etc., since currently augmented 5ths are notated with "+" when they are augmented chords and "#5" when they have a 7th or tension.
I would also like to be able to choose "dim7" notation for diminished 7th chords as well as "o7".
I am Japanese, so I understand that Japanese chord notation conventions may differ from those in your country, but ultimately I would like to see more customizability, such as the ability to set your own chord notation rules.
Thank you in advance.
I would also like to have an option to not analyze bass notes as tension, because when I want on-chord to be recognized, for example, D/C is recognized as D7/C, or Bb/C is recognized as Bb(add9)/C.
Thank you very much. I used it immediately.
However, it does not seem to be able to replace a specific fraction chord.
I will continue to seek a solution.
As stated on the plugin page: "Symbols after a slash “/” are not altered even if they match the criterion. Thus Ab/C becomes AbMaj/C, because the slashtail is usually just a bass note.
What do you want to happen to C/D? I can probably fudge it.
EDIT: Changing D7/C to D/C works: just enter: replace D7 with D (i.e. ignore the tail)
EDIT2: But that will replace all D7 in the score to D (also those without a slash)
Thank you very much. As you say, I want to replace D7/C with D/C or C(add9)/D with C/D.
I would like to keep D7 and C(add9) without the slash, but currently it seems difficult to do it all at once without individual editing 🤔.
Try this version ReplaceChordSymsSpecial.qml
But this would have to be thoroughly checked in many circumstances.
It adapts the convention that if the chord to replace and the chord that replaces both have slashes the replacement is 'literal' e.g. ["D7/C","D/C"]. To avoid that D7 gets the same replacement the code checks that there is a slash in the chord to replace. Feels a bit 'hacky'...
EDIT: Found a bug already: D7/Ab also became D/C. Try this new version ReplaceChordSymsSpecial.qml
It should and does run in previous MU4 versions, but I can't check it. I'm running MU3.6, and after all I read, not planning to run MU4 anytime soon.
EDIT: idem for the ChordID plugin if that's what you meant
Yes, sorry, i meant ChordId.
Some changes are needed for MS 4.4, since migration to Qt 6.2. (not so straightforward as with ms3 to ms4)
I'll check if i can make it work.
Maybe it's just me, but i have -- for Chord ID plugin:
-module \"Qt.labs.settings\" is not installed\n" (at least on Linux)
-ColorDialog is not a type\n"
-Dialog is an abstract base class\n"
-Cannot assign to non-existent property \"standardButtons\"\n"
=> Component { id: msg ; MessageDialog { title: "Confirm"; standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok; onAccepted: console.log("ok") } }
Seems that must be changed to Component { id: msg ; MessageDialog { title: "Confirm"; buttons: MessageDialog.Ok; onAccepted: console.log("ok") } }
(what is this code doing other than just showing a message box with ok?)
-Cannot assign to non-existent propertError:
-several times: Variable "tokens" is used before its declaration at 1322:11.
-Cannot assign to non-existent property "width"
That's where i left off yesterday. (plugin still not working)
These are not a few changes.
Unless i am doing this completely wrong, in which case i would appreciate if someone told me what.
I tried the batch convert plugin. (on MS4.4 Beta), but it does not start.
27 module \"QtQuick.Dialogs\" version 1.2 is not installed\n"
When i change to just QtQuick.Dialogs - without any number/not needed with Qt62, then i have the qt.labs.settings error.
module \"Qt.labs.settings\" is not installed\
module \"Qt.labs.folderlistmodel\" is not installed
In the linux appimage, there is only qt.labs.platform, not qt.labs.settings
With only above changes to ChordID, i also have
Plugins/musescore_chordid/ChordID_Windowed.qml:27 module \"QtQuick.Dialogs\" version 1.2 is not installed\n"
Perhaps there is something fundamental different between the Linux appimage and the Windows build.
Many existing plugins make use of QtQuick.Controls 1 and QtQuick.Dialogs 1. These modules have been deprecated for years and have been removed in Qt 6. Plugins using these modules will need to be rewritten using QtQuick.Controls 2 and/or MuseScore.UiComponents instead; otherwise, MuseScore won’t be able to detect them.
But only for Linux, since everything seems to be working on Windows for you with only a small change to the plugin?
The problems seems to be more the lack of qt.labs.setting (which exist in Qt6.2)
Thank you for your comment! I'm happy you find this plugin useful.
Re: chord notation conventions
To use "aug", "aug7", "augM7", and "dim7" now, please try either one of the followings:
Use plugin author "elsewhere" 's suggestion; or
Edit the plugin files yourself: Plugin files (.QML) can be opened with any plain text editor, such as notepad.exe . The chord name is the first column of the configuration table inside ChordID_Docked.qml , ChordID_Repeat.qml , and ChordID_Windowed.qml files. The edited data should look like this,
Save the files and restart Musescore studio to use the new config; or
The default config is based on data taken from the previous "AniMikatamon" 's Chord Identifier (Pop & Jazz) plugin , and generous inputs from users. I think it isn't based on any one particular standard now. Everyone is welcomed to share his improved config table. Please feel free to upload the plugin file (may need create .ZIP) and let me know, I'd be glad to put a link to your file on the plugin page. Take note Musescore only create correct audio with syntax it understands, as explained on…
Re: Not analyze bass notes as tension
That is a wise suggestion! I confess I've been deleting many unwanted D7/C myself. Analysis get messed up if the music has ground bass, constant bass, walking bassline etc.
Thorough planning is needed however, before adding option to increase significance of the lowest note, or automatically exclude appropiate notes in analysis. See also plugin author "elsewhere" 's comment
For now, pls try either one of the followings:
"elsewhere" 's plugin as explained; or
select passage, then deselect notes unneeded (Ctrl-click), then run the plugin, as demonstrated in short clip below.
Thanks for your heads-up, I haven't started converting plugins. Most of the time I'm still using 3.7, and 4.4 portable is not available yet. Is the in-app plugin debugger reimplemented in 4.4 beta? I dread wrestling with QML, it feels like creating a new mobile phone app from scratch. I prefer html/css/js frontend, it saves time.
I guess modifications mentioned in your post could be in the correct path. Qt6 renamed some properties. Also, some types(classes) are removed/renamed. Yes, you're right, that particular code is just for showing a message box with an OK button, which is immediately used by the following line msg.createObject(pluginscope,{text:"The action cannot be completed because no score file is opened", visible: true})
These two lines are equvalent to one-liner in html/css/js alert('The action cannot be completed because no score file is opened')
I guess you're correct it could be Linux build problem import Qt.labs.settings line should be needed screenshot of my portable app win ms4.2 Qt folder, unsure if related to the bundled Qt.
Everyone interested is welcomed to help upgrade site admin are welcomed to add co-authors to any of my plugin pages at his own discretion. Of course you can always fork as your own plugin. There're tips on . Plugin author parkingb has successfully upgraded some of his plugins eariler this year.
No, there is still no in-app debugger.
It seems that the complete plugin framework will be rewritten in MS 4.5 and that every existing plugin will need to be rewritten. (no other info)
I've hardly written anything on that page. Big thanks goes to Jojo-Schmitz, XiaoMigros, parkingb , graffesmusic, davil123, JMusicG, and other unnamed heroes. God knows how many computer screen are rescued from the verge of QML-related violence.
Hi, have you managed to have the Color Chooser dialog working with MU4.4 ? I'm using the same in my Solo Analyser plugin and haven't found so far how to port its UI component to MU4.4 :-/
edit:typo, add links
Hi parkingb, I couldn't find an efficient way to test run scripts. I understand very little MS4.4 and Qt 6, please take these with grain of salt, could simply be wrong info / bad coding practice
Solo Analyser plugin works fine (colorize notes) on ms4.4.3.
please try import Muse.UiComponents and use ColorPickerModel{} colordialog44.qml
I cannot create the desired layout (pluginType: "dialog") if I use conditional Component.onCompleted... to assign title. Advice point 2 on may be incorrect.
I've installed and activated the plugin, how do I run it? Where do I find the Analyse button? which Plugin do I select from the list if I just want to ID the chord from a section of music?
@cjnewson88 Please see for installing and running plugins, feel free to tell us more about your musescore version, OS version, or upload score file etc if the problem still exists.
This is a very good plugin, usable even on big scores.
For MS4, perhaps you could add a description and a title?
This does not seem to work (on Linux)
chordDialog.title = chordDialog.menuPath.replace('Plugins.','')
i changed it to
chordDialog.title = "ChordID";
Works fine on MS4 Linux
In reply to This is a very good plugin,… by graffesmusic
Confirmed, that
chordDialog.title = chordDialog.menuPath.replace('Plugins.','')
doesn't work on Windows 11 eitherThis
is quite tricky, but not needed at all as
is wrong in any case (just in Mu3 doesn't lead to crashes).if you insist on keeping it and just want to avoid the warning thet
gives un Mu3, @mirabilos came up with a nice trick:If you need to leave the plugin code early, you could use another trick of @mirabilos:
In reply to If you need to leave the… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you @graffesmusic and @Jojo-Schmitz for reporting that bug, so MS4 does not support the assignment of
. How is the color picker working on linux? QML documentation isn't very clear.@Jojo-Schmitz thanks for your comment and tips on quit(). I'd remove all of them but the original plugin is 'dialog' and I need to close the plugin window. The typeof trick from @mirabilos is smart !
In reply to Thank you @graffesmusic and … by msfp
To close the dialog here are some ways around.
In reply to To close the dialog here are… by parkingb
Thanks @parkingb, it seems the solution to close one window is to make more windows first.
In reply to Thank you @graffesmusic and … by msfp
Color picking works fine. (also custom color)
As you can see on the screenshot, the layout isn't perfect (but lots of plugins behave this way on Linux - i don't mind)
In reply to Color picking works fine. … by graffesmusic
In an orchestral score, when the first instrument has no notes (flute), no chords are shown.
In reply to In an orchestral score, when… by graffesmusic
Yea I noticed that too, made a careless mistake causes that regression, updated just now, pls try the
Thanks for the screenshot, the Linux color picker is much more intuitive.
Makes me think, how should a amateur coder deliver stable / test version of a tiny project such as this, without overcomplicating the matter?
In reply to Yea I noticed that too, made… by msfp
The latest version works fine. Thanks
In reply to The latest version works… by graffesmusic
Guys, thank you for reporting bugs. I'd hate myself if I taint the marvelous original Chord Identifier (Pop & Jazz) plugin and its previous contributors.
Latest version added (dumb) conventional roman numeral analysis in line with ABRSM theory exam syllabus. eg no
In reply to Guys, thank you for… by msfp
Please note that the latest version does not work on MS4 (loop).
On MS3 it works fine.
2023-02-23T12:14:08.211 | ERROR | main_thread | AppShell | run: error: file:///home/charles/Documents/MuseScore4Development/Plugins/musescore_chordid/ChordID.qml:703:5: QML Flow: Flow called polish() inside updatePolish() of Flow
2023-02-23T12:14:08.211 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | file:///home/charles/Documents/MuseScore4Development/Plugins/musescore_chordid/ChordID.qml:703:5: QML Flow: Flow called polish() inside updatePolish() of Flow
In reply to Please note that the latest… by graffesmusic
Thank you, what's the action that cause error? Cannot repo on my Windows MS4.0.1 , but it seems I used a wrong QML syntax, I'll check Flow{}'s
In reply to Thank you, what's the action… by msfp
I tried to comment out one suspicion...
edit: o i sort of know the reason, it crashes when resizing right?
need time to figure out qml flow
In reply to I tried to comment out one… by msfp
No it's not crashing. It's opening but not showing anything but taking all cpu.
(not responding => need to kill it)
The errors from above are repeating infinite.
In reply to No it's not crashing. It's… by graffesmusic
I see, I'll look into it. Can't believe qml responsive flow is so painful.
In reply to I see, I'll look into it… by msfp
Updated, should be fine now. with a responsive interface.
Its seems though in ms4 responsive interface requires manual window resizing at each startup, maybe cos of the developmental status of underlining current plugin api.
In reply to Updated, should be fine now. by msfp
Confirmed. Works fine now.
Layout is also much better.
In reply to Confirmed. Works fine now… by graffesmusic
In reply to Thank you @graffesmusic and … by msfp
Hi there,
Using the latest version of Musescore and Windows, the colour assignment for chords paints all notes in the colour most recently chosen on whatever degree, regardless of the 1st, 2nd 3rd allocation etc. Does anyone know a way to fix this? It also resets all the colours in the colour allocation sample box to that same colour when Musescore is closed and opened again.
Selfishly, it would be fantastic if this plug in had the option to include Jazz analysis, what you have so far is fantastic, just with the addition all the harmonic extensions, 7, 9, 11 and 13 plus alterations.
In reply to Hi there, Using the latest… by MegaBigDank
Hi MegaBigDank,
Thank you for reporting the bugs.
Re: colour assignment bug and colour option reset bug.
Did you mean the latest musescore 4.0.2 ? I have not tried out 4.0.2 yet. The plugin is tested on musescore 3.6.2 and 4.0.1 Windows, have you tried these version? did you encounter problems with them?
Re: Jazz analysis with the extensions and alterations.
Do you have a particular chord in mind? Some chord extensions and alterations are already included. I updated the plugin overview page just now to show a part of the internal chord matching chart (scroll down to see). Feel free to edit the chart to you liking, just open the .QML files with any text editor program, the code is free, no need to ask for any permission.
I'm not familiar at all with Jazz chord extensions and which to pick in enharmonic chords such as Cadd6 or Cadd13, is there a popular set of "street rules"? I know not all extensions and alterations are created equal, I guess there's a complex and sometimes subjective decision making considering voicing and tone omission and context of the music phrase. Coding the analysis may be out of my skill level, so I just go with the previous contributors.
I'd love if you share with us your chord matching decisions and knowledge and part of the chart you unsatisfactory.
Please note that the feature of chord extensions for roman numeral eg IVsus4 are removed in this plugin.
Thank you for this plugin.
One question.
I have a problem with inversions when using roman numerals as symbol.
When using a dominant seventh chord in first inversion the 65 are notated next to each other like V65
I would expect the 5 would be notated below the 6.
Is there a setting for that?
Kind regards,
In reply to Hello, Thank you for this… by Johan-v
Hi Johan-v,
You are right the 5 should be notated below the 6 in the V65. The plugin adds a line break character incorrectly. Thank you for letting me know, I'm looking into it.
In reply to Hi Johan-v, You are right… by msfp
Pls try the latest version
In reply to Pls try the latest version by msfp
It looks fine now.
Numbers are verticaly alligned.
Another small thing. (minor user interface problem on my computer)
As the plugin (not docked) is quit big the analyse button each time below my screen when starting the plugin.
So I have to move it each time up.
In the docked version the analyse button is above so I don't have to scroll with that one.
But I prefer the windowed version.
Thank you,
In reply to Hello, It looks fine now… by Johan-v
pls try either one:
property bool fixsize:false
toproperty bool fixsize:true
, optionally change line1647property real customheight: Screen.desktopAvailableHeight*.5
to a desired value, save, restart musescore; ordiy layout: all you need to do is to create a
and relocate the button codes from<footer>
, see reply to pls try either one: resize… by msfp
Thank you,
Works perfect.
I suppose there is not much documentation.
This plugin is above my level.
Do you think it would be easy to change chord types?
Like maj7 instead off Maj7
I also had a situation where three digits were listed horizontally instead of vertically in roman numeral.
Where can I find the line number insert code.
Maybe I can try to learn.
Kind regards and thanks again,
In reply to Thank you, Works perfect. I… by Johan-v
> documentation
for plugin: Plugins for 3.x , musescore 4 plugin system is still in development
for chord id: none, just the download page
> maj7 instead off Maj7
simply change line136 "Maj7" to "maj7", musescore 3 understands and create audio correctly for both, but that's not always the case, see Chord notation systems
> three digits were listed horizontally
more info? but see…
> find the line number
some text editor software shows line number, like sublime text, or notepadpluslpus, or, but you don't really need that, you can instead use the search function, for example mentioned in the previous post is the first "fixsize" search result.
Having a ball hitting Chopin and Ravel piano compositions with the chord ID (Docked) plugin. My idea is to ‘jazzify’ these with jazz voicings in the left hand. It works great overall , but the chord symbols produced are not always “jazzy”, even though in the code there are 59 mentions of ‘jazz’.
I know one can debate forever about naming chords, but is there a way to choose a more jazzy result? I don’t see a choice in the GUI. Is it just a matter of modifying the chordStyles array?
There is an elusive comment there: “this array is not refer by hardcode index anymore”
This is only a minor problem as I can convert them with my Replace Chord Symbols plugin.
In addition I discovered a few outright errors (see below).
Meassure 1: DbMaj7 does not contain g natural
Measures 2: Does not contain b13 which would be ab
Measures 3-4: do not contain b9 nor b13
In my ‘jazz’ book these would be called as in measures 5-8
Two more small problems.
chord names for aug triads use the wrong root note.
See attached file
When enabling don't close the window after analyse - the windows stays indeed but is hidden here behind the main musescore window. I can use the plugin without problem when using dual monitors.
Kind regards,
In reply to Hello, Two more small… by Johan-v
Thank you for reporting!
> 1
You're right that chord is best named Ab+ rather than C+. Roots of enharmonic chords (aug and dim7) are not optimal currently, it's kind of a coding hurdle, pls see the Supplementary info below.
> 2
Thanks, I'm looking into it.
Thank you for sharing your insight on jazz chord naming! I don't know much about them and would appreciate all kinds of input. I'm looking into the errors. I'd love Ravel piano pieces jazzified, couldn't really understand them anyhow.
> choose a more jazzy result.
There's no such options yet, mainly because I'm not educated in jazz chord enough. Providing GUI options is a good idea.
> modifying the chordStyles array.
Yes, pls see the Supplementary info below.
> There is an elusive comment there: “this array is not refer by hardcode index anymore”.
In Chord Identifier (Pop & Jazz) v3.4 and predecessor plugins, each ChordStyles entry has a trailing comment that contains the index, eg "Maj7" is commented "05: M7 = Major Seventh". Hardcode index integer is used internally sometimes, codes like x=5; chordStyles[x] to refer to "Maj7".
In Chord ID and Roman numeral analysis, to enable reordering ChordStyles freely, such codes are replaced with iteration and data comparison. ChordStyles entries are reordered but their trailing comments are preserved as is.
Pls be aware of the discrepancy between the real index and the old index in comment, for example the "Maj7" entry has trailing comment "05: M7 = Major Seventh" but isn't the fifth item, it's the seventh item now.
Supplementary info:
edit: rephrased some points
In reply to @Johan-v Thank you for… by msfp
Thank you for your answer and your interest. I enclose a sample score with mm39-58 from La Valse of Ravel, the orginal (after running Chord ID) & the “jazzified” version. It’s laborious (this took me most of the afternoon) but interesting. The good news is that without the chord ID plugin I would never have tackled this (as “too daunting”), so it’s great that the plugin got me going.
Thanks also for your comments about the code. I doubt that we could get this ‘perfect’. Some reasons:
Chord names are not unambiguous: in jazz voicings for C7 & Em7b5 are identical.
As you write: “all notes are "treated equally", the plugin does not take into account the base during analysis yet.” That could help but does not solve all problems because there are also legitimate inversions.
I’ll let you know if I get any hunch on how to tackle this
What is? (I don’t understand): “detection tests use yamahatest.mscz under "download for devs"”
In reply to Thank you for your answer… by elsewhere
Wow, thanks for sharing your work. I've been working on the four errors. Error 2-4 are due to missing entries, I've added them and been running tests. Error 1 is quite tricky because it's due to confusion with another voicing ( the one the left hand presses 3 and 7) that proves your point on ambiguity. I went back and rephrased that sentence in the previous post.
In reply to Wow, thanks for sharing your… by msfp
Thanks but still cannot find the right plugin page (there are many:
plugin page under the "Extras for developers" section)
In reply to Thanks but still cannot find… by elsewhere…
In reply to… by msfp
Got it now… Thanks.
Some food for thought:
In his Jazz Theory book Mark Levine says: you only need 3 scales: Major, melodic minor & dimished.
Long ago I had the idea that what makes a chord unique is the pattern of distances between the notes, and since you can have inversions one pattern also defines the inverted patterns.
Looking in these scales for unique patterns (from 2 to 6 notes) I found there are only 116 unique patterns !!! (I can send you the Excel sheet if you wish) But naming them is not easy and/or unambiguous. And of course Ravel does not limit himself to these scales… Still, looking at the chromatic scale for unique distance patterns would certainly be exhaustive, and the number might not be astronomical. I might try this “just for laughs”…
But naming them will remain a challenge. But one could go along piecemeal...
In reply to Got it now… Thanks. Some… by elsewhere
Thanks for your food :)
> distances between the notes
I believe this plugin works similarly to your idea, the 3rd column (INTERVALS) of major triad chord entry (the very first entry) is [4,7], meaning 4 semitones and 7 semitones from the root.
> Looking in these scales for unique patterns (from 2 to 6 notes) I found there are only 116 unique patterns
That's in fact a good way to make sure chordStyles don't miss a pattern, but don't you miss three of them with 116? If from a major scale (DO, RE, MI ... total 7) you pick 2 notes (DO+RE, DO+MI ... ), the total number of unique combinations = 7C2, similarly for the total number of combinations picking 2-6 notes, there're 119 unique combinations, isn't it?
That's for major scale, finding the total for all'd be an interesting math puzzle:
If we think about the combinations for the melodic minor scale and the two different diminished scales ( ? =Octatonic scale wikipedia ?), some of their combinations would be duplicates, eg DO+RE present in both major and melodic minor scale. I can't think of how to count duplicates yet, but the final total should be simple sum minus them.
If we don't limit on these scales, and use the chromatic scale, that would be (DO, RI, RE, ME, MI ... total 11), the total number of unique combinations = astronomical 1474, the first combination would be DO+RI, 1474 "chords" that'd be pretty exhausting to name, doing so would put a smile even on Schoenberg I presume.
Anyway, these combinations do not contain inversion (bass) and note octave info, which I think is essential to solve the enharmonic chord problem.
In reply to Thanks for your food :) >… by msfp
Thank you for your answer.
You don’t take into account that the inversion of a chord is still that chord, and thus, in my book, not unique. For example: C-F and C-G are not different because C-G = F-C (in terms of distances)
I analyzed a Piano line from the yamahatest file and found 4 duplicates among 39 chords (see attached)
In the meantime I found that on the chromatic scale I find only 349 unique chords (from 2 to 11 notes), many probably sounding awful or unplayable. But Ravel cannot escape me now…
In reply to Thank you for your answer… by elsewhere
I see, C-G=F-C so the math 119 contains duplicates. Yes those are for testing GUI options, expand "Advanced(For A-G)".
In reply to I see, C-G=F-C so the math… by msfp
I had not yet clicked Show on Advanced (A-G).Thanks for that.
Yet another thing I wanted to mention: You seem satisfied naming the C7susb9 chord in my post above as C7b9. According to chord-scale theory (as explained by Mark Levine) this is not correct.
The gist of this theory is: each chord belongs to a scale, so that an improvisor seeing a chord symbol instantly knows the pool of notes he can improvise with. But that’s only a start. A notorious exception is that if you play the melody note c on G7 it sounds awful, and G7sus is more appropriate. Moreover, C7b9 belongs to the Cdim scale ( c c# eb e f# g a bb c) and does not contain f. C7susb9 on the other hand belongs to Bb melodic minor (bb c db eb f g a bb) which contains all the notes.
Not that chord-scale theory was handed down from God.
My current thinking: if the plugin can calculate the intervals and their inversions a giant table of 349 (or less) with a prefered chordname(s) attached at each line might be the way to go.
Inversions are easy enough in Excel (with inversies in the style "3423":
Sub Inversies()
Row = 2
While Cells(Row, 14) <> ""
Rows(Row & ":" & Row).Select
r = Trim(Cells(Row, 14))
s = ""
Col = 14
While s <> r
q = Cells(Row, Col)
s = Mid(q, 2) & Left(q, 1)
Col = Col + 1
If Trim(s) <> r Then Cells(Row, Col) = s
Row = Row + 1
End Sub
In reply to I had not yet clicked Show… by elsewhere
Your previous post showed the difference, I agreed C7susb9 should not be named C7b9, I added the missing chordStyles entries in the testing version inside the zip file , I'm still working on Error1 and Johan-v's bug report so the testing version is not posted on the plugin page yet.
The plugin already creates inversions of the "note set" on the fly (line337), and compare them with chordStyles. It's just that the bass note of a "note set" does not have significance on analysis yet.
You could try modifying the chordStyles array to see if it can do zero-tolerance chord analysis. There're ~40 chordStyles entries currently so adding it up to 349 might create up to 8x impact on performance, but I doubt that'd be noticeable on a modern CPU.
Right, not from Him, He digs consonances, the perfect kind, is what we heard.
edit: added code reference
In reply to Your previous post showed… by msfp
The bass note (but also the context, e.g. F C7 A7 vs F Em7b5 A7) might indeed be a clue to which of the possible chord names to use. Also the melody note should get less weight, since on a given chord you can play many notes (as Bach showed long ago). This is lots of fun. I don't think performance will be affected. I have had plugins with tables of 6000 lines.
In reply to Your previous post showed… by msfp
For practical purposes 40 might be plenty. I have a database of 385 lead sheets that contain 17700 chords and I only use 21 ‘tails’ (see attached).
But my long-term goal would be to understand Ravel’s use of harmony (he famously quipped: “It’s like Mozart”), but nobody has made any sense of it apart from saying things like ‘polytonal’. And you can name anything of course with enough x# and yb and added z.
My hope is that by running stats on his use of the 349 I get some insight in the underlying Mozartian logic.
EDIT: Also note there is an interesting 'equivalence bewteen 7#11 and 7b13: f a b eb = F7#11(1 3 5 7b) and G7b13 (7 9 3 b13)
In reply to For practical purposes 40… by elsewhere
Plugin updated, includes bug fixes and new options to control analysis moments. Added a quickstart guide on plugin page. For the windowed version plugin, buttons are moved to the top as per suggestion from Johan-v, but I failed to figure out how to keep the plugin window on top of musescore, so the current solution is to use a 3rd party program such as Used a note tpc value comparison trick to decide the root of enharmonic chords. Turns out I was not wrong about the role of accidentals on the root in roman numeral analysis: sharp symbol is (?should be?) used to raise the Ab in a raised submediant triad of C minor, reference, I'm still deciding on which to use.
Yes it's exciting to decipher HOW great composers create music, and the polytonal explanation is no helpful enough. I worked out some Chopins earlier and learnt to appreciate the double harmonic minor scale . Thanks for your jazz magical equivalence info.
In reply to Plugin updated, includes bug… by msfp
Can you help me understand how your code selects the root of the chord? It’s not always the lowest note. I suppose you look at inversions. I see it in the code but cannot make sense of it.
Anyway for Ravel I put this on the backburner since it is not sure that his chords have conventional names and/or conventional roots. I have code now that collects all notes at every cursor.tick and I can map the distances to my global harmony table, and for the time being I name the harmonies after the row there, e.g. R157.
I have already a nice name for the project: “Ravel unraveled”
You mention: “a note tpc value comparison trick to decide the root of enharmonic chords.” I’d appreciate more details. I see it in the code but cannot make sense of it.
Tomorrow I start testing La Valse…
In reply to Can you help me understand… by elsewhere
“Ravel unraveled” XD, what is the opposite? Ravel the unraveled, trouble the untroubled.
Pls read the the latest version as I've refactored old codes, earlier versions have nonsense codes. This plugin uses semitones but not scale degree distance. The tpc addon is simply sorting notes and using the n-th item, see [pitch:tpc] in aug_d7.mcsz in latest
Pls try this special logging version on chords, feel free to point out bugs and errors.
In reply to “Ravel unraveled” XD, what… by msfp
Will do!
In reply to Will do! by elsewhere
spotted some wrong comment in logging version
In reply to spotted some wrong comment… by msfp
Got that. You probably know this, but just in case... You could also address ambivalent chordnames by doing multiple add(harmony) at the same tick. This neatly stacks the names on top of each other. But your users might not like that...
In reply to Got that. You probably know… by elsewhere
You've got a point, all chords that highly match should be suggested, I think musicians using this plugin for harmony analysis would find them useful. If only we could decide on a simple good "cutoff matching minimum" and a way to add symbols without confusing the user - some may have not even heard of equivalent / enharmonic chords.
In reply to You've got a point, all… by msfp
Note that current version partialmatched/fillmatched[0].fillcount===r.fillcount results in push() for code simplicity, the results are not actually sorted.
In reply to Note that current version… by msfp
I had a terrible time getting the harmonies (and the cursor) to the proper tick (selecting measures 1-2 in the left hand) , but your function addToScore came to the rescue (see measures 3-4), even though I do not understand why it works: why can I force a new cursor to a tick where the old cursor won’t go? And why because of the mysterious
c.track=cursor.track //ms3 bug ?hacky
c.track=track //ms3 bug ?hacky
I enclose my dev version. Assignment of the harmony R values still looks buggy, but seems to work with tuplets.
In reply to I had a terrible time… by elsewhere
Congrats! If I'm not mistaken, the root may have something to do with the j in findHarmony() and the content string, but the intensive part is ahead - generate one name (or more!) for each row. That c.track comments look like mine, still no idea why it works, or when it may fail. Now that you mentioned tuplets, I haven't test them with Chord ID thoroughly, also forget about filtering out selected drum staffs.
In reply to Congrats! If I'm not… by msfp
The placement of the chord symbols was still not quite right. The basic problem (that keeps haunting me in many of my projects) is this:
cursor.rewindToTick(x) will only work correctly if there is a segment at x. Otherwise it will put the cursor at the next available segment (in the current track) after x (see
In Allchords.qml I construct an array of unique ticks & the noteset associated with this tick. But not all tracks have a segment at this tick. So I look for for the first track that has this tick and add the harmony. If this track is not in the first staff the chord symbol would be put above the corresponding staff, and not above the top staff where we want it. That’s where the addToScore logic comes in:
var c=curScore.newCursor() // get a new cursor
c.track=cursor.track // set it to the current track & tick
c.rewindToTick(cursor.tick) // which works correctly in that track
c.track=0 // now switch it to track 0
c.add (harmony)
This is a very clever trick to put the cursor in the right place in track 0, even though there is no pre-existing segment there. In your plugin the track fed to addToScore is indeed always 4 or higher.
It dawned on me that the R88 etc symbols will at best be replaced by a chord type (m7,7b9 etc) because all info about the notes is lost in the distances patterns. Could still be useful for the advanced user: you see the notes in the score.
I enclose the current version (barely tested)
In reply to The placement of the chord… by elsewhere
Plugin updated, supports harmonic pedal markers to handle broken chords.

That is useful, thanks! Added to wiki page Plugins for 3.x
In reply to Plugin updated, supports… by msfp
I found a use for my giant table:
In reply to @msfp I found a use for my… by elsewhere
A harmony searching function'd be useful. Planned to download Giant Steps to test run giant table, but got blank log with this score, maybe typos?
In reply to Nice. Prepared Giant Steps… by msfp
I'll look into it. It's probably because you selected rests in the left hands. Or if you selected everything it will not show the duplicate of what you selected. More later...
In reply to I'll look into it. It's… by elsewhere
Fixed some bugs: the score pointer ran off the deep end...
I can't seem to download the Giant Steps without becoming Pro, which I don't want. If you still have troubles with this file could you post an incriminating snippet? (and what you selected)
In reply to Fixed some bugs: the score… by elsewhere
I've been skimming through the code, now I see I shouldn't select the whole score but I should select one chord right?
As for the file, I also do not buy download permission. I thought works famous and old would be public domain anyway but I was wrong so I resorted to shamelessly keying in until I'm bored: Giant_Steps.mscz not complete, might have errors
In reply to I've been skimming through… by msfp
Thank you for your interest. You can select more than one chord or one measure. The code finds but does not report the match with the selection.
Thanks for the Giant Steps fragment.
Speaking of Giant Steps this is a funny one:
Just noticed that it is not possible to set the key to 7 sharps/flats, while you can set these keys in musescore...
(BTW, thanks for this great plugin, very very useful to check if my harmony exercices are correct...)
In reply to Just noticed that it is not… by laurentVeliscek
@laurentVeliscek Thank you for reporting, adding 7 sharps/flats support is a good idea. Glad you find the plugin helpful.
@elsewhere 101 dalmatians steps
In reply to @laurentVeliscek Thank you… by msfp
OT: (You may know this already, but it was news to me)
I asked ellejohara, the author of the New Retrograde plugin where she gets such neat things as ‘cursor.measure.timesigActual.denominator’ (that I don’t find in the API documentation)
Her answer:
“How do I find neat things like timesig.Actual? I use a very simple function to list the content of objects in the console window:
function pre(item) {
for(var p in item)
console.log(p + ": " + item[p]);
That shows me all kinds of goodies. Then I just tinker…”
And indeed, if you select a measure and run:
pre(cursor.measure) you get 200+ properties of measure, among which ‘timesigActual’
If you run pre(cursor.measure. timesigActual) you get (among other things) the correct values for numerator and denominator.
With some devotion this could be used to build an improved API documentation.
P.S. Check out the latest version of her plugin. It is really elegant code.
In reply to OT: (You may know this… by elsewhere
@elsewhere Thanks for the info! The new retrograde is good, also check out the swiss knife by .ash86
@dnovoae and @laurentVeliscek Suggestion's been added to dev version
Any chance of making the plugin so that it can detect/analyse secondary domintants of important degrees?
Also some sort of priority option where you can select if I prefer the ID of altered chords inside the scale or secondary dominants.
Sorry for bad english
In reply to Any chance of making the… by dnovoae
Hi !
Just a suggestion...
Should it be possible to identify the 3 Augmented sixth chords (" It+6" "Ger+6" "Fre+6"), as well as the Neapolitan chord (not "bII6" but "N6") ?
BTW, your plugin is so useful for a music student like I am.
In reply to Hi ! Just a suggestion… by laurentVeliscek
Working on augmented sixth, I noticed that the identification of the Fre+6 was different depending of the chosen key.
I mean: the Fre+6 is spelled bVI7b5b in F major,
but the exact same chord (transposed a fifth lower) in Bb Major is spelled II431b
Don't know if it is normal, or not. But strange...
Translating those chords exact same functionnal chords in "Fre+6" would "unify" the chord analysis
In reply to Working on augmented sixth,… by laurentVeliscek
A suggestion:
a post-process routine to translate the RNA to detect some "special" altered sixth chords.
I don't know how to code using QML language, but this routine could look like something like this:
Neapolitan Sixth chord
output = output.replace("bII6", "N6")
output = output.replace("bII", "N")
Augmented Sixth
italian Sixth
if ("no fifth in the chord" && "keyIsMinor")
output = output.replace("VI7b", "It+6")
if ("no fifth in the chord" && "keyIsMajor")
output = output.replace("bVI7b", "It+6")
German Sixth
if ("fifth in the chord" && "keyIsMinor")
output = output.replace("VI7b", Ger+6")
if ("fifth in the chord" && "keyIsMajor")
output = output.replace("bVI7b", Ger+6")
French Sixth
if ("keyIsMinor")
output = output.replace("VI7b5b", Fre+6")
if ("keyIsMajor")
output = output.replace("bVI7b5b", "Fre+6")
output = output.replace("II431b", "Fre+6")
And maybe add a check box to enable/disable this behaviour...
Not so complex to implement as it is only simple text searchAndReplace, but a useful to analyse scores and check chords...
And may be, using the same text "search and replace" method, Secondary Dominant (V/x) and Secondary Diminished Sevenths (vii°/x and viiø7/x) chords detection/translation could greatly improve the harmonic analysis.
Let me know if you need a chart with some appropriate searchAndReplace patterns to detect and translate secondary 5th and 7th dominant chords...
In reply to An suggestion: a post… by laurentVeliscek
edit 2023/11/11: corrected some wrong RNA in previous post 2023/10/13
Re: secondaries
They are quite easy to spot (a Major chord where minor should have been, etc) but you're right, why not replace them automatically if we can? @laurentVeliscek's post-process search and replace method and @dnovoae's suggestion to provide options both sound nice, thank you!
how about
secondary dominant
VI = V/ii
VII = V/III that is Bb in C minor = V of Eb Major
VII = V/iii that is B in C Major = V of E minor
I = V/IV that is C in C Major = V of F Major ?confusion coz I is most common? should skip?
I = V/iv that is C in C minor = V of F minor ?quite farfetching ?should skip?
II = V/V
III = V/VI that is Eb in C minor = V of Ab Major
III = V/vi that is E in C Major = V of A minor
IV = V/VII that is F in C minor = V of Bb Major
bV = V/VII that is F# in C minor = V of B Major
V/vii that is ... = V of B minor . skipped coz rarely seen
secondary dominant seventh
similar to above but use 7.
secondary leading-tone, only make sense when tonalize to a Major chord
iio = viio/III that is Do in C minor = viio of Eb Major
iiio = viio/IV that is Eo in C Major = viio of F Major
bvo = viio/V that is F#o in C (both) = viio of G Major
vo = viio/VI that is Go in C minor = viio of Ab Major
#vio = viio/VII that is Ao in C minor = viio of Bb Major
viio = viio/VII that is Bbo in C minor = viio of B Major
secondary leading-tone seventh
similar to above but use 7; not sure why but I feel these may not be as meaningful coz of the enharmonic nature.
Re: identification of the Fre+6 was different depending of the chosen key.
Thank you for reporting this strange behavior! Confirmed. No idea why this happens, but figuring it out should help prevent future "searchAndReplace" bugs.
Re: neapolitan and augmented sixths
Detailed suggestion messy bucket @laurentVeliscek! It sounds pretty solid, I'm trying it out.
To give convincing result, the plugin need to check 1. the bass note and 2. presence of tonic note doubling, both of which the current code's not capable of yet. The results therefore might create a bit of confusion, that's ok though I think users should have already known this plugin's not a reliable proofreading tool.
Clicking "Chord ID and Roman numeric analysis (Docked) won't do anything to me.
In reply to Clicking "Chord ID and Roman… by Jian_Li
Docked plugins are not supported by Mu4
In reply to Docked plugins are not… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thanks. Info added to plugin download page.
Hi msfp, Long time ago, when I use Cubase, I think of/want a automation function.
The function could identifiy and anlyze the chords and the notes below to the chords. And automaticlly show the interval of each note !
Your plugin has a very similar fuction, which show the interval by color. But I think It's not very convenient. So, could you upgrate a funtion like I mentioned:
As you can see in the picture , I added all intervals by hand at the lyric line. I want it to be done by plugin, to show intervals under staff or by the side of each note.
Looking for reply!
In reply to Hi msfp, Long time ago, when… by WayneSun
Thanks for the great suggestion, that would be useful on jazz scores. I guess that could be done by modifying codes between line 850 to 913.
In reply to Thanks for the great… by msfp
yeah,I was learning jazz music. I'm newbiee, So I'm struggling on telling interval.
By showing interval using number, It's much easier to understand the structrue of score.
This works well on a score that has more complex chords/modulations than it does on another score (Devil's Dance) that contains more simple chords. On the simpler score, nothing is displayed using Windows mode, even with some tweaking of the settings. I have used the same settings on both scores. So I have scratched off two the three hairs on my chinny chin chin... Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
In reply to This works well on a piece… by artoffugue333
Hi artoffugue333, there's nothing to display because single notes, unisons, octaves and moments marked with hyphen "-" are not considered in the analysis, please see quickstart document… .
The "Devil's dance" score features broken chord accompaniment. Before pressing analysis, I'd figure out phrases where the harmony remains unchanged. I'd then add parenthesis text "(" and ")" to the beginning and the end of each phrase respectively. This indicates that all notes within that phrase should be considered as one single chord for analysis.
In reply to Hi artoffugue333, there's… by msfp
Ah. Got it. Many thanks!
It would be great if the plugin could provide the figured bass numerals used in Bach and early music. It should be much simpler than Roman numerals, as there is no reference to a specific tonic to be calculated (and it is very advantageous when, as in modal music, there is no tonic in the traditional sense).
It is true that many of the figures correspond to those small ones found in Roman numerals (such as 6, 46, 24 etc.) so it’s just enough to 'ignore' the big Roman numeral, but I think in more complex situations the notation may perhaps be slightly different.
To my knowledge there is no plugin that does this in any software. I’m attaching a picture as example
In reply to It would be great if I… by alenmessina
Thank you for your comment. It is a wonderful suggestion. I think you are right it should requires less coding. Musescore has a dedicated Figured Bass object which could make the journey easier. I am not used to reading figured bass, let along writing, so researching into how to write them correctly and how to automate it would be needed. Definitely on my hobby plugin todo list. Please feel free to go ahead if you are familiar with figured bass and coding, the program code is free (GPLv2, the embedded ExpandChordSymbols is MIT).
Just to be clear, is it correct that you mean an analysis plugin (notes -> figured bass), similar to the way this current plugin works (notes -> chord symbol)? I presume figured bass has a role in the past as composer's shorthand (figured bass -> performance), which may necessitates a much different plugin for the missing figured bass equivalent function of chord symbol's "realise chord symbol" (figured bass ->notes)… .
In reply to It would be great if I… by alenmessina
To just remove the big Roman numeral with a plugin could/should be pretty easy (but could have formatting problems). Could you post a MU3 or musicxml file (not a MU4 file) with plenty of roman numerals in it?
EDIT: This is trivial. Select all chord symbols and press delete: this removes the roman numerals (they are treated as a type of chord symbol) leaving the figured bass-like annotations...
Hello. Your plugin is great and I have been using it as soon as I found it.
So, my request is that you provide more options for more code interpretation and notation.
Specifically, I would like to be able to choose "aug", "aug7", "augM7", etc., since currently augmented 5ths are notated with "+" when they are augmented chords and "#5" when they have a 7th or tension.
I would also like to be able to choose "dim7" notation for diminished 7th chords as well as "o7".
I am Japanese, so I understand that Japanese chord notation conventions may differ from those in your country, but ultimately I would like to see more customizability, such as the ability to set your own chord notation rules.
Thank you in advance.
Translated with (free version)
In reply to Hello. Your plugin is great… by makio3465
I would also like to have an option to not analyze bass notes as tension, because when I want on-chord to be recognized, for example, D/C is recognized as D7/C, or Bb/C is recognized as Bb(add9)/C.
In reply to Hello. Your plugin is great… by makio3465
My plugin could help you with that
In reply to My… by elsewhere
Thank you very much. I used it immediately.
However, it does not seem to be able to replace a specific fraction chord.
I will continue to seek a solution.
In reply to Thank you very much. I used… by makio3465
I don't know which term is correct: on-chord, fraction chord, or slash chord, but I'm talking about a chord like C/D or C on D.
In reply to I don't know which term is… by makio3465
As stated on the plugin page: "Symbols after a slash “/” are not altered even if they match the criterion. Thus Ab/C becomes AbMaj/C, because the slashtail is usually just a bass note.
What do you want to happen to C/D? I can probably fudge it.
EDIT: Changing D7/C to D/C works: just enter: replace D7 with D (i.e. ignore the tail)
EDIT2: But that will replace all D7 in the score to D (also those without a slash)
In reply to As stated on the plugin page… by elsewhere
Thank you very much. As you say, I want to replace D7/C with D/C or C(add9)/D with C/D.
I would like to keep D7 and C(add9) without the slash, but currently it seems difficult to do it all at once without individual editing 🤔.
In reply to Thank you very much. As you… by makio3465
Try this version
But this would have to be thoroughly checked in many circumstances.
It adapts the convention that if the chord to replace and the chord that replaces both have slashes the replacement is 'literal' e.g. ["D7/C","D/C"]. To avoid that D7 gets the same replacement the code checks that there is a slash in the chord to replace. Feels a bit 'hacky'...
EDIT: Found a bug already: D7/Ab also became D/C. Try this new version
I wonder if you would check to make the plugins work with MuseScore 4.4. (beta)
In reply to I wonder if you would check… by graffesmusic
It should and does run in previous MU4 versions, but I can't check it. I'm running MU3.6, and after all I read, not planning to run MU4 anytime soon.
EDIT: idem for the ChordID plugin if that's what you meant
In reply to It should and does run in… by elsewhere
Yes, sorry, i meant ChordId.
Some changes are needed for MS 4.4, since migration to Qt 6.2. (not so straightforward as with ms3 to ms4)
I'll check if i can make it work.
In reply to Yes, sorry, i meant ChordId… by graffesmusic
Try this
In reply to Try this by Jojo-Schmitz
I meant the Chord ID plugin
Much more complicated to fix IMHO
In reply to Try this by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you, Jojo. I can confirm this runs in MU3.6. Not that many differences in the code...
In reply to Thank you, Jojo. I can… by elsewhere
Indeed, just very few changes
In reply to Indeed, just very few changes by Jojo-Schmitz
Maybe it's just me, but i have -- for Chord ID plugin:
-module \"Qt.labs.settings\" is not installed\n" (at least on Linux)
-ColorDialog is not a type\n"
-Dialog is an abstract base class\n"
-Cannot assign to non-existent property \"standardButtons\"\n"
=> Component { id: msg ; MessageDialog { title: "Confirm"; standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok; onAccepted: console.log("ok") } }
Seems that must be changed to
Component { id: msg ; MessageDialog { title: "Confirm"; buttons: MessageDialog.Ok; onAccepted: console.log("ok") } }
(what is this code doing other than just showing a message box with ok?)
-Cannot assign to non-existent propertError:
-several times: Variable "tokens" is used before its declaration at 1322:11.
-Cannot assign to non-existent property "width"
That's where i left off yesterday. (plugin still not working)
These are not a few changes.
Unless i am doing this completely wrong, in which case i would appreciate if someone told me what.
In reply to Maybe it's just me, but i… by graffesmusic
Qt.labs.settings exists on Windows and is used in my Betch Convert plugin
Which plugin file exactly?
As far as I can tell the only change needed in ChordID_Windowed,qml to port it to 4.4 is
Untested though
In reply to Qt.labs.settings exists on… by Jojo-Schmitz
I tried the batch convert plugin. (on MS4.4 Beta), but it does not start.
27 module \"QtQuick.Dialogs\" version 1.2 is not installed\n"
When i change to just QtQuick.Dialogs - without any number/not needed with Qt62, then i have the qt.labs.settings error.
module \"Qt.labs.settings\" is not installed\
module \"Qt.labs.folderlistmodel\" is not installed
In the linux appimage, there is only qt.labs.platform, not qt.labs.settings
With only above changes to ChordID, i also have
Plugins/musescore_chordid/ChordID_Windowed.qml:27 module \"QtQuick.Dialogs\" version 1.2 is not installed\n"
Perhaps there is something fundamental different between the Linux appimage and the Windows build.
In reply to I tried the batch convert… by graffesmusic
There was already a discussion about this way back in March.
In reply to There was already a… by graffesmusic
Many existing plugins make use of QtQuick.Controls 1 and QtQuick.Dialogs 1. These modules have been deprecated for years and have been removed in Qt 6. Plugins using these modules will need to be rewritten using QtQuick.Controls 2 and/or MuseScore.UiComponents instead; otherwise, MuseScore won’t be able to detect them.
In reply to Many existing plugins make… by Jojo-Schmitz
But only for Linux, since everything seems to be working on Windows for you with only a small change to the plugin?
The problems seems to be more the lack of qt.labs.setting (which exist in Qt6.2)
In reply to But only for Linux, since… by graffesmusic
Thank you for your comment! I'm happy you find this plugin useful.
Re: chord notation conventions
To use "aug", "aug7", "augM7", and "dim7" now, please try either one of the followings:
Edit the plugin files yourself: Plugin files (.QML) can be opened with any plain text editor, such as notepad.exe . The chord name is the first column of the configuration table inside ChordID_Docked.qml , ChordID_Repeat.qml , and ChordID_Windowed.qml files. The edited data should look like this,
Save the files and restart Musescore studio to use the new config; or
The default config is based on data taken from the previous "AniMikatamon" 's Chord Identifier (Pop & Jazz) plugin , and generous inputs from users. I think it isn't based on any one particular standard now. Everyone is welcomed to share his improved config table. Please feel free to upload the plugin file (may need create .ZIP) and let me know, I'd be glad to put a link to your file on the plugin page. Take note Musescore only create correct audio with syntax it understands, as explained on…
Re: Not analyze bass notes as tension
That is a wise suggestion! I confess I've been deleting many unwanted D7/C myself. Analysis get messed up if the music has ground bass, constant bass, walking bassline etc.
Thorough planning is needed however, before adding option to increase significance of the lowest note, or automatically exclude appropiate notes in analysis. See also plugin author "elsewhere" 's comment
For now, pls try either one of the followings:
Automate it with "worldwideweary" 's Chord Level Selector plugin.
Thanks for your heads-up, I haven't started converting plugins. Most of the time I'm still using 3.7, and 4.4 portable is not available yet. Is the in-app plugin debugger reimplemented in 4.4 beta? I dread wrestling with QML, it feels like creating a new mobile phone app from scratch. I prefer html/css/js frontend, it saves time.
I guess modifications mentioned in your post could be in the correct path. Qt6 renamed some properties. Also, some types(classes) are removed/renamed. Yes, you're right, that particular code is just for showing a message box with an OK button, which is immediately used by the following line
msg.createObject(pluginscope,{text:"The action cannot be completed because no score file is opened", visible: true})
These two lines are equvalent to one-liner in html/css/js
alert('The action cannot be completed because no score file is opened')
I guess you're correct it could be Linux build problem
import Qt.labs.settings
line should be needed screenshot of my portable app win ms4.2 Qt folder, unsure if related to the bundled Qt.Everyone interested is welcomed to help upgrade it. site admin are welcomed to add co-authors to any of my plugin pages at his own discretion. Of course you can always fork as your own plugin. There're tips on . Plugin author parkingb has successfully upgraded some of his plugins eariler this year.
In reply to @makio3465 Thank you for… by msfp
No, there is still no in-app debugger.
It seems that the complete plugin framework will be rewritten in MS 4.5 and that every existing plugin will need to be rewritten. (no other info)
In reply to @makio3465 Thank you for… by msfp
OT: Great job on the “Plugins for 4.x” page
yonah_ag & I found some quirky behavior for calls to symID in MU3.6 & MU3.7 (Not even Jo-jo has an explanation)
& previous comments
If this is the same in MU4, it might be worth mentioning on the book page.
In reply to OT: Great job on the … by elsewhere
I've just responded there (missied it before, sorry)
In reply to I've just responded there … by Jojo-Schmitz
I've hardly written anything on that page. Big thanks goes to Jojo-Schmitz, XiaoMigros, parkingb , graffesmusic, davil123, JMusicG, and other unnamed heroes. God knows how many computer screen are rescued from the verge of QML-related violence.
In reply to I've hardly written anything… by msfp
Yes, sorry. I forgot anyone can edit the book page, and I managed.
There is a commit/merge request to fix Chord-ID for MS4.4.
Can this get published?
In reply to There is a commit/merge… by Pedulla
This is not the (same) Chord-ID plugin.
In reply to This is not the (same) Chord… by graffesmusic
Hi, have you managed to have the Color Chooser dialog working with MU4.4 ? I'm using the same in my Solo Analyser plugin and haven't found so far how to port its UI component to MU4.4 :-/
In reply to Hi, have you managed to have… by parkingb
edit:typo, add links
Hi parkingb, I couldn't find an efficient way to test run scripts. I understand very little MS4.4 and Qt 6, please take these with grain of salt, could simply be wrong info / bad coding practice
import Qt.labs.platform
, but that code gives 'not installed' error. Not sure why. QtQuick.Dialogs
. (The current ms443 use qt629). Muse.UiComponents
and use ColorPickerModel{} colordialog44.qmlIn reply to Hi parkingb, I'm afraid my… by msfp
Thanks!! Your
is working fine. I will explore its approach in SoloAnalyser.I've installed and activated the plugin, how do I run it? Where do I find the Analyse button? which Plugin do I select from the list if I just want to ID the chord from a section of music?
In reply to I've installed and activated… by cjnewson88
@cjnewson88 Please see for installing and running plugins, feel free to tell us more about your musescore version, OS version, or upload score file etc if the problem still exists.