Make Lasso Selection default behavior (instead of hand/drag tool)?

• Sep 7, 2024 - 02:23

Hi there, I am a regular Dorico user but looking to supplement my work with MuseScore. There's one crucial behavior difference that keeps tripping me up and driving me crazy, which I cannot seem to change in MS – and that is, when you click/drag your mouse, the default in MS is dragging the score around with a hand tool; but I would prefer the default behavior to be lasso selection without requiring a modifier key.

I never use a hand tool as I much prefer my trackpad for moving and zooming around. Having to reach across my keyboard to add shift as a modifier key is not only an extra step but also because I intend to use the programs back and forth, I am hoping I can at least keep one thing the same to make my life easier (whereas right now they are literally the exact opposite; in Dorico when you hold down shift it turns into hand-tool drag for me; this can be changed in Dorico but I would rather keep the default lasso selection!).

Is there a preference setting or plugin that can address this? Hope all that makes sense. Thank you!


I get wanting to keep things the same. Isn't there a shift button on both sides of the keyboard? I have to believe that there are other things just as different if not more so. I sometime switch between MuseScore and Sibelius. Kind of a pain.

In reply to by bobjp

Yes, it's not as much the difficulty of reaching for the shift key as it is the fact the behavior is the exact opposite in the other program - so it really plays tricks on my brain. I also never use drag/hand move (since my trackpad works great for moving around) so when I go to click starting dragging around notes, it seems that that selection should be the primary focus, not secondary (as with a modifier key). Of course other people used to the other way would disagree - which is why I was hoping maybe there's a preference or something to invert this behavior. If not hopefully that is something that could be added in the future.

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