Can't customize palette contents in MuseScore 4

• Jan 10, 2023 - 17:06

As described in the handbook, one should be able to drag-n-drop items into a palette from another palette or from the score while pressing Ctrl+Shift. I however cannot get this to work in 4.0. Am I doing something wrong? This still works for me in the 3.6 build I previously used, and I tested both versions just now to confirm.


I was able to do it just by dragging (without ctrl+shift) but sometimes it would glitch out on me and not let me drag anything. Closing and reopening fixed it usually

In reply to by Shoichi

I reported that Ctrl+Shift and drag-from-score was also broken in my OP. What me and @graceaoduffy established that it indeed sometimes occur, but goes away after a restart. So far I haven't been able to reproduce the situation in new instances of the software, but will report if it recurs.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I don't think that's it. I tried it again today, and to my surprise, it allowed to me to drag three items from the score onto my custom palette, with seemingly a huge margin of error for where I drop them… and then it immediately stopped working again. As in, I slowly drag it across just about every pixel of the palette, and it refuses to work anywhere. There's definitely something else going on. My first thought was it's picky about whether you hold Shift before holding Ctrl or vice versa, and now I'm thinking there might be some bug that won't let it work unless the last action was something really specific, like the element you edited was something on the same staff as the thing you're trying to drag, or something weird like that. Been messing around with it again and still can't get it to work again.
Edit: I tried a few more times and got everything onto the palette that I wanted, but now it doesn't work again. It's still a mystery.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I think I found the issue. I may have had "Enable editing" turned off for that palette when I first tried this, and not realised I could change it by right clicking on the palette. Even with it turned on, when a score has been open for a while, it just randomly stops working. Just like when notes stop playing for no apparent reason and they can be fixed by turning their "Play" property off and back on, turning the "Enable editing" property of the palette off and back on seems to have fixed this issue. It's like MuseScore needs to be reminded of settings sometimes when it's been running for a while.

In reply to by PatrickBruno

I have also encountered this. I find that closing and restarting Musescore fixes the problem - for a while. I suspect that then something I do in the normal couse of entering and editing notation unfixes it again, but so far I have not been able to identify action what if any breaks it. It's a slight irritation as adding things to palettes is not something I do very often and I haven't yet put much effort into investigating the problem.

This is lame. You should be able to click in any box in a palette and edit the text there, instead of going through multiple steps:

  1. drag a text item out of the palette into your score
  2. double-click the text item in the score and edit it
  3. drag it back into the palette

Meh. MuseScore should fix this. I had to create a whole new palette just for common text items like "a2" and "div." and "unis." because, although they are extremely common, MuseScore doesn't have them in its Master Palette or something like that. Unless I'm missing something.

At any rate. Please fix this. Make it so we can click in a box in the palette and customize it right then and there. Thank you.

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