Musescore 4.4 freezing

• Sep 8, 2024 - 16:31

First I installed Musescore Studio 4.4 along with MuseHub. All I got was a blank screen. I then reinstalled Musescore after getting rid of MuseHub and I got all my compositions back. The trouble is when I tried to get back to work on one of the compositions the program froze. I literally can't do anything; the only thing I can do is play the piece by pressing space. Otherwise it remains frozen.


In reply to by Thekherham

Okay, then we're going to need a bit more information.
1. In Windows Explorer, enter %LOCALAPPDATA%\MuseScore into the address bar
2. Create a ZIP file from the MuseScore4 folder (by "compressing" it)
3. Upload that ZIP file here; or if it is too large, email to

c [dot] jeukendrup [at] mu [dot] se

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