Note with custom duration

• Oct 16, 2024 - 11:18

Is there a way to make a note with a custom duration? Like in 7/4 time, I want a note to last for 6.5 beats. Is there a way to do that? Typically, the 6.5 is made from shorter notes tied together, but for what I'm doing, this would make the score unnecessarily cluttered.


Like this? (change the notehead to something you find more suitable).

6.5 quarter-note beats is the same as 13/8. Create a 13/8 bar, convert the whole bar to an 8-tuplet and then replace the first rest with a long duration one. Then change that rest to a note and paste where needed.

Attachment Size
6-point-5_in_7-4.mscz 19.82 KB

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