is it possible to put custom symbols by modifying the existent or creating them on the master palette?

• Nov 15, 2024 - 21:19

I want to put my own handwritten symbols on my MuseScore scores (they are like my personal stamp when it comes to handwritten scores).

Is there a possible way?, do I rely on the master palette?, does it have to be done with the Musescore API (I'll be able to develop a plugin for this) or can it be achieved natively through the format and style settings?

I'll be looking forward to it 🙂

PD: I tried it by importing .svg images to it... with... results...
(see image below)

Attachment Size
rip.png 52.54 KB


If you haven't already, ctrl+shift and drag your images to a palette. Go to View>Show>uncheck Show Invisable. You may need to stretch the first measure a bit. Make the stock clef and time sig invisible as you have done. Apply your images as you would other things. You''l need to experiment to get placement correct.

In reply to by bobjp

I got it right, now I'm wondering if the MuseScore API allows you to import .svg images from a specific path and insert them into a palette for later use in the score.

after that, I will start coding the thing to make it follow the correct positioning/scale/size always.

Attachment Size
image.png 74.75 KB

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