4.5 does not work
Chromebook/Linux i5 8gig
Just upgraded to 4.5. Program will load from terminal same as 4.4, 4.3, etc. Then Nothing. Totally locked....crashes. Nothing works. Cannot even just shut down program. Have to wait for 'force close' window to pop up!
Same things happen if I try to run from apps files button.
I have to run from terminal with 'qt' app Marc shared with me back at 4.x. Allows me to actually read the menus.
So what gives? I can do nothing now with 4.5. Some Help, please!
Same thing happening to me. Was working fine and then today the program opens but no splash page and files do not open. Need help!!
In reply to Same thing happening to me… by jpellicano
Do not think anyone is looking or caring about our problem.
Mine was the first time I am even trying 4.5!! Now I can not do anything. There is no uninstall option when I right click the icon! I do not know the exact file name to try to delete in terminal. Not much of an update, for me. At least 4.4.4 was working.
In reply to Do not think anyone is… by R. L. F.
Been a week, nearly, and Noone has cared at all about the program not working.
Two things I have learned in the last month working with Musescore. Do not touch plug-ins on 4.4.4 and do not download 4.5 and try to use it.
Oh! I guess a third thing .... Noone really does care if things work correctly or not!!
At least I can still use 4.4.4, mostly. So I guess I will wait for 5.x.....maybe.
In reply to Been a week, nearly, and… by R. L. F.
From looking at the forums, there were lots of issues for Mac users. Have you tried 4.5.1? It's on the download page.
In reply to From looking at the forums,… by bobjp
I have not. Of course I am chromebook/linux so I am not sure if it would be the same. And since how I upgrade overwrites 4.4.4 and it was a pain to get it reloaded after eliminating 4.5, I am not sure I will even try, for now.
In reply to Been a week, nearly, and… by R. L. F.
I have two computers. One works fine with the update -- the other won't load it (it needs things "skipped" -- but never says what). So I can't work remotely on anything that I inputed with 4.5.
In reply to Same thing happening to me… by jpellicano
"Same thing happening to me. Was working fine and then today the program opens but no splash page and files do not open."
What is your OS and version?
That is strange. You did the update by typing "mscore4portable update" in the terminal? If you now run "mscore4portable" without the "install", what gets printed to the terminal window?
In reply to That is strange. You did… by Marc Sabatella
Thanks for responding. I did the update as you said. You gave me that a few years ago. You also provide a QT app for scaling so I could also read the menus without a magnifying glass. Then you provided some 'comments' so my sound would function properly. All work fine. I combined both these things on the tote at bottom of page. I open the tote, open the terminal, copy the tote material while terminal is setting up then paste the tote functions into terminal and hit enter. I get MS to load and sized so I can read the menus well enough.(I use 1.7 to size scaling)
Since I need the scaling factor to make things work, this is what I put into terminal, each time. (I am one of those fools who closes down when I will not be working for 12+ hours or maybe more)
I hope this gives at least what you were wondering. It was pointed out today that there is a 4.5.1. Do you think this might have fixed any issues for chromebook/linux users like me? And one other important question I am not sure about. When loading in a new version, do I have to answer 'yes' when I am asked to copy over or delete the previous version? I always do and with 4.5 it caused major headaches trying to get back to 4.4.4.
But as my other couple posts mention, I am now coming up with more issues with 4.4.4.
Any thoughts you have will be appreciated!
In reply to Marc Thanks for responding. … by R. L. F.
I use Chromebooks too, and both 4.5 and 4.5.1 work flawlessly for me. My guess is whatever is going wrong is related to how you are using this "tote", and maybe the code needs updating. I am also not sure what you mean about sound. Tell me the exact code you are pasting into the terminal (paste it into your next comment here) and also show me a screen shot of what is displayed in the terminal after pasting the commands there.
In reply to I use Chromebook to and both… by Marc Sabatella
I knew you used chrombook from our previous posts. But, am I right in seeing somewhere you use Ubuntu for your Linux version, not the so called beta from google?(which I do)
Below is exactly what you have provided me in the past.(2 different times) It has worked perfectly for versions of 4.x(the 1.7 is what I use for best/better viewing) This is what I have saved into the tote and copy each time into terminal. No problems. Even 4.5 loaded fine. I probably should add for more strangeness. I ran a learning video or two fine from the entry page, but as soon as I tried to do Anything to load/open a score, the program locked and needed 'force close' to get out. (the spaces give timing for each line to work properly)
pw-metadata -n settings 0 clock.force-rate 44100
pw-metadata -n settings 0 clock.rate 44100
QT_SCALE_FACTOR=1.7 mscore4portable
In reply to I knew you used chrombook… by R. L. F.
I probably should have added, I also can open 4.5 from the launch button. It just has the very small menus and locked up when I tried to open a score, just like when I open it in the terminal.
In reply to I knew you used chrombook… by R. L. F.
Years ago I used Ubuntu pn a computer that was not a Chromebook, but that machine is long since retired. On my Chromebooks, I use the same "debian" distributrion of Liunuyx that comes standard with every Chromebook.
Those pw-metadata line aren't needed anymore - I recommend removing them and only running that third line (after rebooting your computer). One MuseScore starts up, go to Edit / Preferences / I/O and set the sample rate to 48000 there. Then quit and restart MuseScore.
If you then continue to have problems, then again, please describe the problem in more detail. If it's a particular score not opening, please attach that score (or if it's several scores, randomly choose one of them). Also as mentioned, please show a screen shot of your terminal window at the point where the lock up happens.
In reply to Years ago I used Ubuntu pn a… by Marc Sabatella
I will try your edit/preferences when I start today(sometime, busy non music day)
I assume you mean with 4.5? I deleted it. It did not let me do anything, except run some learning videos. The moment I tried to even load new score, it froze. Nothing further. So, there is no score to send. I am leary of trying the upgrade again. It even locked up the terminal. I could not type or do anything in the window. I could not 'exit'. I simply had to close it.
IF, I do 'update' again will I get 4.5 or 4.5.1? Also can I keep 4.4.4 on my system in case of similar problems? I do want to be able to keep working. I do not mind trying to help(it is why I do these posts), but I wish to also continue to work! And 'for me' it was a battle to get 4.4.4 back on my system. Yes, I know it should not have been, but.....it was!!!
Sorry I did not think to take a screen shot of the terminal window where it locked. I was not thinking of anything but what I was going to need to do to get something back to work on. I had not even planned to report the problem at that time. Thanks as always. Let me know if there is anything further
In reply to I will try your edit… by R. L. F.
I think the change that eliminated the need for running pw-metadata was made back at 4.4.
Anyhow yes, you can keep 4.4.4 when updating. To do the update, type "mscore4portable update" in the terminal. When it asks if it should remove MuseScore itself, say "no".
The terminal is never "locked" when running a program - it is simply showing you the output of the program you asked it to run. So it's perfectly normal you can't also type into it during that time.
Reinstalling an older version is also extremely simple. Run "mscore4portable remove", then simply re-downlaod the AppImage you want and run it with the "install" option, same as when you initially installed it.
Anyhow, there are no known issues with running 4.5.1 on Chromebooks - as mentioned, I'm doing that myself. Probably some sort of fluke on your system. I recommend doing the update and then if you run into a similar problem, followup and post the screenshot of the terminal.
In reply to I think the change that… by Marc Sabatella
OK, let's start with the pw-metadata. Followed instructions set to 48000 now. Closed restarted, couple times now. Playback again garbled mess. I hope I can find the original info, because I had to delete what was in tote.
Terminal locked. I had already closed 4.5. It was gone from screen. Nothing there but terminal window! No blinking cursor to input anything. As I remember I could not scroll the output in the window. When I say it was locked, yes it was totally locked for anything I could think to try. You might have had a different thought. That's why I had to simply x out the window(terminal) to close it. Sorry, if that can not be, but that is what it was. I could do Nothing in the window. As I said I am sorry I did not think to try a screen shot at that moment. I was not really thinking straight!(if ever any more!)
As for reinstalling, I have not used the 'install' process for multiple years, since you mentioned msc...4port..., so much easier. I really did not remember where to begin and was not finding what I vaguely remembered in the handbook. Anyway I finally got it installed. If I have 4.4.4 and 4.5.1 on the system will QT_SCALE.... know to load 4.5.1?
Not thrilled to try the update, but will give it a try. Hoping for the best, but as pw-..... is showing not really working as expected. Thanks for all the help and suggestions
In reply to Marc OK, let's start with… by R. L. F.
Oops, my bad - I meant to say, change it from 48000 to 44100.
Once you have both versions installed, "mscore4portable" will always start up whichever one you installed last. But you will also be able to start the house using a different commands, one like "MuseScore-Studio-4.4.4-blahblahblah"
In reply to Oops, my bad - I meant to… by Marc Sabatella
44100 is what is was at, probably because of the pw- etc that I had in the tote to launch 4.4.4.
So, just leave it in preferences/audio at 44100 and I do not need that pw stuff at launch?
I am ok with the different command up to the blahblah part. Is that the QT_SCALE etc ?
In reply to 44100 is what is was at,… by R. L. F.
Running pw-metadata shouldn't change anything about MuseScore - jiust about your audio device. But I managed to confuse myself again - I was right the first time, 48000 is what you should be setting it to in preferences. Are you sure you rebooted after that, and that you did not run pw-metadata again? Immediately after a reboot, the sample rate of your audio device ahould normally already be at 48000, and that is why I am having you change MsueScore to match. To be sure, trying typing "pw-metadata -n settings 0 clock.rate" into the terminal (again, after a reboot, without running the original pw-metadata command, to see what it reports as the "value". Should be 48000. Make sure MuseScore is set to the same thing in prefernec,e and then never run pw-metadata again.
The blahblahblah part is because it's a bunch of numbers that differe for each release. So what you will want to to is paste in the "QT_SCALE_FACTOR=1.7 MuseScore-Studio-4.4.4" to the terminal, but don';t hit Enter - insetad, hit Esc. That will complete the command by filling in the rest of the filename. Assuming you have it installed, that is. And then if you like, you can copy and paste that to your tote for reuse.
Actually, there is an easier way to do all this that eliminateds the need to use the terminal at all once you set it up. Just type the following into a terminal:
echo "QT_SCALE_FACTOR=1.7" > .config/environment.d/qt.conf
Then reboot. This created a file that stays on your system and set QT_SCALE_FACTOR to 1.7 automatically every time you boot. Then you can simply start MuseScore from the program icon, or by typing "mscore4portable" without all that other stuff.
In reply to Running pw-metadata shouldn… by Marc Sabatella
Replying here because this is the post I read from for 'echo'.
Think this is the one.
In reply to Marc Replying here because… by R. L. F.
OK, then do the following first:
mkdir -p .config/environment.d
This creates the necessary folder if it doesn't exist already. Then the echo command will create the file within that folder. Then reboot, and from then on the QT_SCALE_FACTOR will always be set automatically so you no longer need to enter it every time.
In reply to OK, then do the following… by Marc Sabatella
Here is what I get.
In reply to Marc Here is what I get. by R. L. F.
You left out the space after the "-p"
In reply to You left out the space after… by Marc Sabatella
Guess I did. Just gave a new terminal line. Rebooting.
In reply to You left out the space after… by Marc Sabatella
Here is after reboot.
In reply to 44100 is what is was at,… by R. L. F.
Quick follow
Updated to 4.5.1. At moment it seems to be working fine. No lock-up. Not planning to use 4.4.4, so do not respond to previous post.
If you want to respond to anything look at my other post about no pizz playback for any strings, not just double bass as before. And I do not have any string 'sections' to chose from. Just fast violins, fast violas, etc. And I am sure I am not able to scroll up or down the complete list of instruments. I am only selecting ms basic in mixer.
Thanks again for thoughts on 4.5. As you implied, it must have been a one time aberration!
In reply to Quick follow Updated to 4.5… by R. L. F.
Sorry! Follow follow up. One thing after another!
Closed program to recheck audio setting. QT_SCALE to restart and....program is locked up. I was wrong, I can scroll the terminal, just nothing else.
Made screen shot of terminal last input.
Stupid email which I rarely use on this device has gone bonkers. Will not let me in. Tried to reset password and then my email was invalid. Tell me if there is anything else before I close things down.
Will hopefully get this to you sometime, if I can then find where the screen shot went. UGH!!!
In reply to Sorry! Follow follow up. … by R. L. F.
Screenshots normally go to a special folder on your Chromebook you can access by clicking the little icon toward the bottom right.
In reply to Screenshots normally go to a… by Marc Sabatella
Let's see if this will work?
Maybe this is it. Hope it helps you.
You can not see the blinking cursor, but you should see there is no blue info before the cursor and no way to enter anything into terminal. I again simply had to x out of the window.
In reply to Marc Let's see if this will… by R. L. F.
I see some messages indicating MuseScore couldn't figure out where to place a window. Are you running with QT_SCALE__FACTOR the same way as before, or did you try the thing I suggested a little earlier where you first type the "echo" command as given then reboot and then don't use QT_SCALE_FACTOR? What happens if you do "View / Restore the default layout" from within MuseScore just after starting it but before doing anything else?
Again, as I explained above, it's totally normally that the terminal window doesn't let you type while you are still running a program that you started from within that window.
In reply to I see some messages… by Marc Sabatella
I am hopefully sending another screenshot.
Later last night I started my system up, just to see what might happen. I do think your 'echo' suggestion looks good and something I might be able to accomplish without too much concern. But, since I still am not sure what version I am working on I have not done it yet.
I still was/am starting with QT_SCALE. Program loaded as expected. Got opening screen with my score and new score showing. I wanted to check audio to see if 44100 was what was still set. Clicked on edit and drop-down menu showed. Moved down to preferences and clicked it. Nothing! Program was already locked. So trying the 'View/Restore' will not work. One touch and it is locked. This is where I took another screenshot to send and see if two versions might help further or just show the same thing happened again.
I am somewhat unsure of what version of 4.5s I have. When I hover over the app icon in the launcher window, it says 4.5. I had decided to 'remove' the last version I loaded and terminal tells me it is removing 4.5.1. Does the app icon showing 4.5 seem correct? When I loaded the program I did not see any version number, but maybe I just looked in the wrong location, it does go quickly if you are not looking where it might be.
I was wrong ,this time anyway, you can type in the terminal window. But Marc, I want to say this again. The program was closed. That window was gone. Only the terminal was open. You will see 'exit' at the bottom. But the terminal does not function. It did not close as usual. It is not accepting commands. So it may not be totally locked, but nothing else works. I had to simply x out to close the terminal. Whatever is happening with MS is also affecting the functioning of the terminal. Whether that can happen or not, it is.
Hopefully I can get the correct screenshot loaded. Thanks again for your help with this.
In reply to Marc I am hopefully sending… by R. L. F.
Based ion your description, it seems that the Preferences dialog is trying to open somewhere not visible - like on another monitor or offscreen. not sure why. But definitely try the "Restore to default layout". Don't bother trying to open Preferences first since that is causing the problem. Just go directly to the restore.
Yes, the icon will generally report just X.Y for any X.Y.Z release.
In reply to Based ion your description,… by Marc Sabatella
Have not read you second post. Tried this morning again. Everything opens as expected. Just tapped a rest in first meas and it started playing. Sounds were terrible and garbled, so audio must still be at 48000. Then thought I would go in to preferences. Hit edit.... nothing. Program was locked. Preferences is not the issue. Previous attempts, I tried to open file to do a new score. After file...locked up nothing further.
Why it played back or plays some of the learning videos is strange.
I tried your 'echo' command. You said close down, so I guess I was supposed to hit enter in the terminal. Return no such command or file. Did nothing for scaling when I tried loading 4.5.1 again. And yes I found the 4.5.1 showing that time.
4.4.4 is in my ms4 documents folder in linux files. I tried running it with QT_SCALE etc. as you mentioned. Added all the blahblah and nothing. Is in the file folder not good enough for being on the system?
I seem to be locked out of being able to work at all, again!
Will try and remove 4.5.1 from system and then see if I can get 4.4.4 to run. Getting extremely frustrating.
Thanks again for the suggestions. Still not sure why any seem to work.
In reply to Have not read you second… by R. L. F.
So you're saying that now even just clicking Edit locks it up, not clicking Preferences? If you can't even click Edit without a lockup, that could still be a symptom of the same problem, but obviously you won't be able to to do the reset. So, try to start from the command line again, but this time add " -R" (with the space" at the end of the command. This will cause MuseScore to start up as if you had done a full factory reset. If that leads to working system, try View / Restore the default layout now. Then close MuseScore and try starting from the command line without the "-R". Not sure it will remember the "restore" but it's worth a shot.
As for the "echo" command not working, please post a screenshot of the terminal so I can see exactly what you typed and exactly what error message you got.
In reply to So you're saying that now… by Marc Sabatella
Should I have seen anything happen after view/reset or was it all in the background? I shut down and opened without the -R. Played a small fragment. Still garbled. Clicked edit....locked up.
As for echo I entered 'exactly' what you had shown on your post. Checked multiple times just to be sure. As I remember it was the standard response.....no such command or file. Will do again and send shot, later. Short on time, now. Thanks
In reply to Marc Should I have seen… by R. L. F.
Nothing should have been visibly different after the View / Restore the default layout command unless you had also customized other aspects of the interface, like undocking panels.
I'd expect the playback to be garbled until you success set the sample rate to 48000.
In reply to Nothing should have been… by Marc Sabatella
Just wondering. No I did nothing else but what you suggested. It played the sounds, but as soon as I hit edit to see if I could get to the audio to change it locked up. So maybe nothing different.
In reply to Marc Just wondering. No I… by R. L. F.
Did it work while running with -R though? That is, run with -R, do the restore to default layout (shouldn't be necessary but just to be sure), then try to use it normally - does it work at all? If so, does setting sample rate in 48000 in Edit / Preferences / Audio & MIDI solve the garbled playback?
One other thing to try: in the terminal window, type "echo $QT_QPA_PLATFORM". I expect it to show just an blank line. But if it says "wayland" (possibly the result of having installed something else), that could be the problem with the lockup.
In reply to Did it work while running… by Marc Sabatella
4.5.1 loaded.(used QT_SCALE appropriate size) Played garbled. Hit edit to get to preferences....locked up.
"echo $QT etc. returned - bash: echo : command not found
In reply to Marc 4.5.1 loaded.(used QT… by R. L. F.
Don't include the quotes.
When you say 4.5.1 loaded, that was with -R? And you did the View / Restore the default layout? And then Edit still locked up?
In reply to Don't include the quotes… by Marc Sabatella
Yes. I did it again. Got opening screen. I also have 1,2 or3 pop up black windows. Takes a couple times to get them cleared. At cleared the screen then moves over from 'home' to 'score'. I changed to home again, did View/Restore. Do not know if I should have noticed anything with restore. Then clicked edit. Preferences.... would not open. Locked at click for edit.
In reply to Marc Yes. I did it again… by R. L. F.
Hmm, those black windows don't sound good - probably error messages of some kind but the error is so bad it can't even display. One thing, though - the changing from Home to Score suggests to me you might not be typing the command correctly. Skip the stuff about QT_SCALE_FACTOR and just type
mscore4portable -R -d > log.txt 2>&1
When the program opens, go directly to the Edit menu. Assuming it still locks up, return to the terminal and press Ctrl+C, which should kill the program and return control to the terminal.
The result of this will be that the full log is captured into a file called "log.txt" in your Linux files folder. So attach that to a comment here.
In reply to Hmm, those black windows don… by Marc Sabatella
Here is what I hope you are after. Guess I should have mentioned the blk boxes earlier. Thinking about too many things. I Know I was not typing the command wrong, I was still using the tote file which I have been using for a couple years. Just added the -R. (The loaded program was very small menus and difficult to see what was what.)
In reply to Here is what I hope you are… by R. L. F.
OK, it seems your system is missing a library it should probably have. I'm guessing maybe you still have an older version of Linux installed. What does "cat /etc/os-release" report? Just the first line.
Depending on what it says, I should be able to tell you how to install the missing library.
In reply to OK, it seems your system is… by Marc Sabatella
I guess my first question would be how you get a newer version when it is coming from Google. I, as well as you get those regular updates. If there was something newer would it not have been pushed? Is not Debian bookworm the newest?
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)"
Hope this tells you something. I need to get back to work and I really rather not try and get 4.4.4 working again until the 4.5.1 option gets settled one way or another. And thanks for all the help on this.
In reply to Marc I guess my first… by R. L. F.
That is the current version. You might have still had an older version if you set up the Linux environment before it updated to Debian 12. You would have received a notification that a new version of Linux was available, with instructions on how to update. But either you installed Linux more recently, or you already did the update, so that much is good. I'm a little confused as to how you ended up without that library, but I gather there is a hardware-specific aspect to all this as well.
Try running the following to see if it works any better:
QT_SCALE_FACTOR=1.7 QT_OPENGL=software mscore4portable
If so, then great, we can set that up to happen automatically in the future
If not, then we can try installing the library, but I'm hesitant to do that without understanding more about why it wasn't installed already. What is the specific model of Chromebook?
In reply to That is the current version… by Marc Sabatella
No luck. You did not say any different so I just went to edit/preferences. Locked before I got to preferences.
Yes, I set up linux 4 years(?) ago. I think this is third name version. I remember Buster, but I can not think of the other, at the moment. But, yes a few years past. I also wonder why a library was not installed. And further why things(mostly) have functioned in 4.3 and 4.4.4. What was changed in the code for 4.5's?
Acer is make and I think it was 513? (i5, 8 gig) I do remember in the past you implied we had nearly the same spec. So I never understand why we do not function similarly.
I am concerned about going down a one way road and not being able to return.(easily) Or disabling my only work system. I know you are doing your best and I really appreciate your efforts. Yet, I am hearing some of your concerns for what might happen!
If it matters...last line error reads. Error: Cannot assign to non-existent property "sync"
In reply to That is the current version… by Marc Sabatella
Further concern. From what you have said about the terminal function. The terminal will not work if the program(s) are still working/open. As I have said multiple times, when I close the locked MS the program window is gone. No MS. Yet, the terminal is still locked. Yes I can scroll the window and type in words, but they do not work. Exit or clear will not execute. And in the past with previous versions, even if I had to 'force close' (as I am doing now) the terminal was working and I could type exit and end. There is something very different about 4.5's that is effecting my system. And that does bother me very much. Just saying.
In reply to Marc Further concern. From… by R. L. F.
Again, it's 100% perfectly normal that you can't type into a terminal window after starting a program from that window. It's not at all unusual that if a program crashes or hangs, its window might disappear but the process is still running and thus not allowing you to type into the terminal. In such cases, usually pressing Ctrl+C while in the terminal window will stop the process more completely. You can also just open another tab within the terminal window. Bottom line, it's not indicative of a problem that the terminal is not available while the program is running or hung.
In reply to That is the current version… by Marc Sabatella
Tablet...acer spin 713. Not 513. Probably does not matter, but found the info so thought I would offer since you asked.
In reply to Marc Tablet...acer spin 713… by R. L. F.
Obviously meant notebook.
Sorry to ask. I just finally got 4.4.4 loaded again. With all we were trying to get 4.5's working the only score I had to try was what I was working on. Now it will not open as it was apparently saved in 4.5 and I have lost all that work. Is there anyway of 'seeing' that score without 4.5.1 or how can I keep both 4.4.4 and 4.5.1 on my system. No, it does not function, but it was at least playing and if I had both 4.5.1 and 4.4.4 I might at least copy things one page at a time. Long and cumbersome, but it might work.
When I reloaded 4.4.4 it made 4.5.1 icon disappear. I have not removed it, but I do not find it anywhere.
I guess you have not had time to find anymore for the 4.5.1 attempts, so I had to try and get something to work with. Not very successful! If you have any thoughts on this problem I would appreciate hearing. Thanks
In reply to Marc Obviously meant… by R. L. F.
Sorry, I have been busy with lots of other things. For the score you created in 4.51, you could attach it here so one of us can export it to MusicXML and you can open that within 4.4.4.
But I'd still much prefer getting 4.5.1 working on your system, and keeping 4.4.4 as well. If you didn't already remove 4.5.1, then great, you already have both. If you did, please run "mscore4portable update" to install 4.5.1. When it asks if you should remove the existing MuseScore installation, answer "n" for "no".
Regarding the missing library (libOpenGL), there is no danger that installing it would affect anything other than Linux apps, and I believe this is your only one, right? It's also trivial to remove it if it causes any sort of problem at all.
So, run the following:
sudo apt-get install libopengl0
(that's a zero and not the letter O at the end - best to just copy and paste it into the termnal
It will probably prompt you as to whether you want to continue, and say "y" for yes.
This should allow 4.5.1 to run, and will likely also allow 4.4.4 to run better overall. But if it doesn't get 4.5.1 running, then we'll keep plugging away trying to figure it out.
In reply to Marc Obviously meant… by R. L. F.
Sorry, I have been busy with lots of other things. For the score you created in 4.51, you could attach it here so one of us can export it to MusicXML and you can open that within 4.4.4.
But I'd still much prefer getting 4.5.1 working on your system, and keeping 4.4.4 as well. If you didn't already remove 4.5.1, then great, you already have both. If you did, please run "mscore4portable update" to install 4.5.1. When it asks if you should remove the existing MuseScore installation, answer "n" for "no".
Regarding the missing library (libOpenGL), there is no danger that installing it would affect anything other than Linux apps, and I believe this is your only one, right? It's also trivial to remove it if it causes any sort of problem at all.
So, run the following:
sudo apt-get install libopengl0
(that's a zero and not the letter O at the end - best to just copy and paste it into the termnal)
It will probably prompt you as to whether you want to continue, and say "y" for yes.
This should allow 4.5.1 to run, and will likely also allow 4.4.4 to run better overall. But if it doesn't get 4.5.1 running, then we'll keep plugging away trying to figure it out.
In reply to Did it work while running… by Marc Sabatella
Without the quotes, it just skipped a space as I believe you thought.
(echo $QT_QPA_. etc)
What OS do you have? I just made an update from 4.5 to 4.5.1 without any problems whatsoever. In fact, every update from 4.0 never failed.
I've a W11 laptop.
In reply to What OS do you have? I just… by strandtts
Did you happen to read my post?
In reply to Did you happen to read my… by R. L. F.
Sorry, it's a long posting and I probably missed it. I've no experience with Linux whatsoever, cannot use it for my work related analysis tools anyway so I never tried. Seems very complicated.
In reply to Sorry, it's a long posting… by strandtts
Not really. Learning curve, for sure. I unfortunately am terrible. If things work as they should I am fine. When not....I am very lost. If things work as expected, it is fine. Not much to fool with.